Nokia 5700


hey guys, i am yet to buy a cell. hopefully buying this sunday. had narrowed down on W610i for 14450, bt nw comes the Nokia 5700. Is it really worth it, basic needs are music and style.

By music I mean sound quality, bass, loudness etc. BY style I mean fasion, impression etc.

Also, how does the Nokia 5700 compared with the N73ME for the same?
it has a sound Processor and RAM man so dont let it out, check out some reviews and stuff, from what i've read its good. im mean musci wise REALLY good
realli man, nokia seems better in almost every way. wanna confirm how gud it is.

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till now, you were all for SE W series sound quality and u say, nokia seems better...when i explained the same to you earlier, you chose otherwise...

You seriously need to make up ur mind, bro....:no: :|
dude, Nokia 5700 has been released just like a day or 2 back. It beats the crap out of the W610i in sound quality. And it is priced jsut a 1k higher.
Just get the N73 man.It's the best all rounder.5700 sucks and SE W -Series is highly overrated.Sure, it's good for music but are you listening to music all day?:bleh:
Plus N73 has the beautiful screen and the silver one just looks classy,trust me.:hap2:
1)N73ME is quite a lot higher over the 5700. I don't have the money.

2)N73ME isn't as good for music. Its processor is also a lot slower. Besides my main use is music, nothing much extra. And 5700 is a music phone as well as smart phone.

Acc to 5700 is the all rounder now and not 73ME, given the fact that it is a lot cheaper, yet has things like good and big screen etc.
Rite said:
dude, Nokia 5700 has been released just like a day or 2 back. It beats the crap out of the W610i in sound quality. And it is priced jsut a 1k higher.

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Wait for a few days, SE is coming up with a few more W series phones tht'll be better than the nokia ones out there...:lol: Buddy, this trend will continue r u going to keep changing ur choice every now n then?? instead decide on one and just go buy it...its not likely to be ur last phone u'll ever buy, is it?? :p There will enuf chances in future to buy more just go n buy whatevr u like once n for all...:p
see m8 go for the 5700, it'll be good ,i read everywhere good reviews about it even thinking of getting one for me. so go ahead and buy it.

SE is highly hyped thats all. and the plainer they are getting day by day.

if u want
symbian+music+2.2" Screen and Dedicated music buttons(not just W:rofl:)+good looks that'll impress girls(u said it yourself:hap2: )+a dedicated Processor:eek:hyeah: w/RAM:clap: +dual stereo Speakers. common man what else u want?
@ryan, i am not waiting for Nokia 5700. it has been released at the time i was buying, why won't i buy a better phone if it is available.
go for 5700

It has better and bigger screen. 369MHz processor, stereo speakers

symbian9.2, QVGA vid rec. , sound really good.
rite said:
@ryan, i am not waiting for Nokia 5700. it has been released at the time i was buying, why won't i buy a better phone if it is available.

Okay..agreed..u shud buy the best phone tht comes in ur budget..n yeah the 5700 is indeed i think instead of looking at other phones now after all this discussions, and getting more confused, check out some reviews and go get the 5700...

all i'm trying to say is, decide on one n get it...if u keep waiting n looking around again, you'll only get more confused..thts all..:p Rest is upto u..;)
rite said:
1)N73ME is quite a lot higher over the 5700. I don't have the money.

Then get a normal N73 ... there hardly any noticeable diff. between the two ..

rite said:
2)N73ME isn't as good for music. Its processor is also a lot slower. Besides my main use is music, nothing much extra. And 5700 is a music phone as well as smart phone.

Hmm .. lets see :

N73 : Dual ARM 9 220 MHz , 128 MB NAND Memory , 64 MB SDRAM Memory , 240 x 320 18 bit ....

5700 : Single ARM 11 369 MHz , 128 MB NAND Memory , 64 MB SDRAM Memory , 240 x 320 24 bit ....

Hmmm, seems the N73 has the edge in terms of performance ... the main reason why some people find the symbian phones slow , coz those buggers' don't exit applications properly , which keep running and hog the mem.

Plus the main problem with the 5700 would be the camera :p ... specially since its a 2 MP one , and u'll have to rotate it always to take pictures properly :p ..

rite said:
Acc to 5700 is the all rounder now and not 73ME, given the fact that it is a lot cheaper, yet has things like good and big screen etc.

N73 nonME costs the same as a 5700 ... and can easily be flashed to a N73 ME .. so do u still think the same ??
Yes I still think the same

1)N73ME and 73 are priced so close that only an idiot would buy the 73 since u wud need 2 buy a memory card anyway. So only the 73ME makes sense, plus 73 normal prolly has disabled music quality, worse ear phones and bad looks.

2)5700 has a better screen. Cam quality suffice for me. Plus it has newer OS and Symbian doesn't run slow on it as on ME.