Monitors Nonwidescreen LCD Monitor recommendation

Hi guys,

I am looking to replace all my old CRT monitors in my office to LCD soon :) . I have been looking up some 15.6" models, but word documents look pretty weird and stretched out on these 15" widescreen models. Therefore, I am looking for the old conventional ones, the 4:3 ones.

While Word docs look fine on the larger 18.something, 19" and above widescreen ones, those are more expensive are really going to be out of my budget.

Now does anyone still make the 4:3 monitors anymore? The screens are mostly for displaying Word docs, pdfs, and an Internet browser.

Any suggestions? I am looking for a VFM brand in ~5K range (and less).
^Thanks...and Word docs looks fine, right? Not weird and stretched out. I am saying this cause I saw this on an LG 15.6" widescreen and it was very weird and a strain on the eyes.