Monitors Notice the price reduction on dell monitors


:) Guys just thought would post about the price reductions in dell monitors..

Might be of help to those looking for a new lcd :
Ultrasharp Widescreen-Dell 2007WFP Flat Panel LCD :19746 :hap2:
Wide Screen-Dell 24 Entry Wide Screen Monitor :24897
Ultrasharp Wide Screen-Dell 24 HC LCD Monitor : 33000
Dell 27" 2707WFP UltraSharpTM :55000
There has been a lot of reduction in prices of the other monitors also...
Maybe Raghu can get a good deal especially for the 2007wfp :)
anyone have any idea about what this is?

Disc Code: Rs4556 Cash Off Offline

as in.. does this mean that this much cash gets waived off if we order offline??


Total Amount Rs 9,444.00

Total Amount Before Tax Rs 9,444.00

CD/CVD/Excise Duty Rs 1,167.28

VAT - 4% Rs 424.45

Total Amount Before OCTROI TAX Rs 11,035.73

OCTROI - 0% Rs 0.00

Total Tax Rs 1,591.73

Total Amount After Tax Rs 11,035.73

this is de total am getting online for the E198WFP

Limited Time Offers

Disc Code: Rs5500 Cash Off Offline

Total Amount Rs 8,400.00

Total Amount Before Tax Rs 8,400.00

CD/CVD/Excise Duty Rs 1,038.24

VAT - 4% Rs 377.53

Total Amount Before OCTROI TAX Rs 9,815.77

OCTROI - 0% Rs 0.00

Total Tax Rs 1,415.77

Total Amount After Tax Rs 9,815.77

and this for the SE198WFP
whoopsie.. whoopsie.. de disc things get applied automatically...

anyway.. what this does mean is that price HAVE come down.. atleast for these two.. and are almost comparable to the prices from Raghu's last GO
if any1 noticed, even the prices for xps1330 are down by 2k.. base config is now available for 55.something k's.. a preety decent deal at such price.

Other laptops should also c a small price cut in a week or 10 days i think..
:) Just check the dell website...You will notice the prices of the monitors have come down significantly...Don't know if it is temporary..But a god time t buy I guess...
p.s The discount codes are already applied to the price :)
yeah prices r goin rock bottom...I think the only place they r going from now on is down...cause lcd are now fully into the market,, no formidable challenge,,

yupppyyy,, i know xps prices r down too..getting that sexy piece for 55k is awesome..
but afaik delivery charges r not included...

What's the current price of the DELL E198WFP/SE198WFP ???

and is it not avble at shops? Should I order it only from here ??
current price is as listed in my post above. u can haggle wid dell execs on de fone nd get a wee bit more off.

dell products are not sold via retail stores in india. Only dell themselves sell dell products. you will have to get it directly from them or thru raghu.
Just ordered my Dell LCD yesterday at their 'old' price. Why me? :huh:
Unfortunately since my order has already gone through, nothing can be done about it. Who knows these updates would've probably been up even yesterday cause the Dell rep had no clue about these price drops today either.

On top of that, i placed the order last friday (which fell in november) but got it confirmed only this month. As of this month they've started adding a new tax component called SAD (very aptly titled eh!) , this is an additional 4% on the total price. Not sure why the dell online store doesn't reflect any of these taxes.
Just FYI , taxes are 16% CVD + 0.48% Edu cess (3% on the 16% CVD) + 4% VAT + 4% SAD.

For my first purchase from Dell, its been a real SAD experience - pun intended :rofl:
I was also surprised to find out that there's just one guy handling the whole of Dell's Home User LCD business. :S
If it has not yet been shipped, I guess you can still call and cancel the order and ask for a refund, if they are unwilling, escalate and you might get some surprise goodies :hap2:
Crazy_Eddy said:
I was also surprised to find out that there's just one guy handling the whole of Dell's Home User LCD business. :S

really???:huh: :ashamed: who is that person .....??

i also ordered one SE198WFP on nov 27 for 10.3 but today its for 9.8k:mad: :mad:
Shakensoul said:
If it has not yet been shipped, I guess you can still call and cancel the order and ask for a refund, if they are unwilling, escalate and you might get some surprise goodies :hap2:

Well I did ask him, he said the monitor has already been assembled and left the factory or something so no hope of cancelling the order. He was talking more on the lines of - no use crying over spilt milk :bleh:

I'm kind of fed up as is. Cause i first called up Dell last Thursday, and the dude has been taking pretty long to even send me a formal quote.. only cause of his delay , it slipped into the next month and i had to pay the additional SAD tax (i like the name :rofl:). Heck the guy even told me today on the phone, that had he delayed by one more day I could've got the lower price ! As of now i'm just happy they're even sending it.

No more Dells for me for sure!

vivekbabbudelhi said:
really???:huh: :ashamed: who is that person .....??

i also ordered one SE198WFP on nov 27 for 10.3 but today its for 9.8k:mad: :mad:

The Dell rep i spoke to was a Harish. Each time i rang up i'd get only him on the line. Plus when i spoke to the receptionist, they first said he's the 'best person' to get in touch with, and then later they leveled with me and said he's the only one in charge :huh:
Crazy_Eddy said:
The Dell rep i spoke to was a Harish. Each time i rang up i'd get only him on the line. Plus when i spoke to the receptionist, they first said he's the 'best person' to get in touch with, and then later they leveled with me and said he's the only one in charge :huh:

i think somewhere they have messed up:p :p ..
i have ordered three monitors from them in last 6 months & my sales representative each time was bindu.j
she gave me quotation within an hour of calling her & within 5 hrs from payment she gave me order no.:p :rofl: :rofl:
i guess this harish person is for chennai or tn . cause rave mentioned another rep when he ordered
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh shit Dell has again increased the prices of its monitors...For those who bought during the first two weeks of december really lucky guys....The rest suffers:p :p

p.s sorry for bumping an old thread but it was like ouch :)
I was hoping for even lower prices in Jan