Open-source Solaris within 45 days


At its quarterly update meeting, Sun said Solaris 10 had received 1.3 million registered downloads. While company officials said they were pleased with the pace of downloads, Sun's software supreme John Loiacono said that it was difficult to know what users are doing with the operating system.

Until Sun releases its first update of Solaris 10 and then maps it back to users who previously downloaded the software, "it's hard to tell whether someone is just kicking the tyres or it's a new installation," Loiacono said.

Sun is hoping that users consider Solaris as an x86 option but said vendors are responding. Hardware certifications by vendors have increased from 270 to 360 since the open-source plan was announced last year, said the company. Sun also has broad certification support for Solaris 10, and Oracle announced its certification this week. The only other large vendor Sun is waiting on is IBM, and Loiacono said the company is now working to make that happen.
