OpenCL - Beginning of a new Era or a fade ?


OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors. OpenCL includes a language (based on C99) for writing kernels (functions that execute on OpenCL devices), plus APIs that are used to define and then control the platforms. OpenCL provides parallel computing using task-based and data-based parallelism.

Interesting - isn't it ?

Does it mean - programmer can write single code for application to run in windows,mac as well as Linux ?

Does it indicate programmers do not required to depend on API s like directx ,OpenGL?

Mod please edit the title as " OpenCL -Beginning of a new a Era or a fade ?"
"fade" or do you mean "fad"?

yes i think single codebase will work across windows, mac and linux as long as the drivers are available for the hardware...

no you do not need other APIs like directx or opengl (unless you want to use graphics as well as computations)...

yes very interesting stuff...
vishalrao said:
"fade" or do you mean "fad"?

yes i think single codebase will work across windows, mac and linux as long as the drivers are available for the hardware...

no you do not need other APIs like directx or opengl (unless you want to use graphics as well as computations)...

yes very interesting stuff...

I mean fade.

for graphics ,again we have to depend on directx and opengl
OpenGL and DirectX are graphic APIs... OpenCL is NOT A graphic API in itself, it's an API which let you access GPU for General Purpose computation using standardized interface.

Unlike CUDA or Stream, OpenCL API is vendor agnostic and can be used on any graphic card as long as original vendor has OpenCL driver for given hardware. So yes, single codebase will work on Windows/Mac/Unix... of-course this does not mean platform independent applications.

As for "fade", I'm not sure what do u mean.... it's standardize API, all major industry players are part of the group... unlike proprietary solutions like CUDA or STREAM. So, NO I don't think it will fade. I suppose your question is probably based on OGL 3.0 disappointment, which failed to deliver in face of stiff competition from DX.