PC Peripherals Opened PSU seal - will Corsair honour warranty?


I had this GS600 for about a year. I was living with this problem of grinding noise when the fan stops.
Now it has become quite loud and continous- its very annoying..
I have to now courier it to their Mumbai office for RMA.
I had earlier opened the PSU to see if the sound is really coming from fan, but it was coming from some other part.
It is intriguing since there is no moving part other than fan but the noise is very loud.
I told them that I opened the seal (on screw) to check if fan was a problem but they seem to care less.
Do you think my warranty will be honoured? I am worried now.
Thanks to Mod for creating a new thread..
The incharge who attended my call from service centre did not give an assuring answer. I mean, he did not say, 'Its fine'
Only apprehension was that they shouldn't refuse warranty for this reason after I courier the PSU to them.
Lets see how it goes. Will update the status here.
Update: Last week I couriered the PSU to Kaizen service centre in Mumbai and they confirmed now that it has been RMAed to Corsair for replacement.
Finally I got the replacement PSU after lot of persuasions.
I am surprised at the unorganized way of handling RMAs by such a big company.
Firstly there is no option to place RMA request online.
Once they received, there is no acknowledgement. No mails.
No confirmation that RMA is placed.
No communication if new product is dispatched.
And the service centre people at Kaizen kept saying its dispatched but after one week, they admitted that it is still lying with them..
Pathetic I would say.

Now the saddest part is that the brand new PSU won't turn on!! :(
It fires for 1/2 second and turns off.
I disconnected every power connection and ran the paperclip test.
Again, the LED/ Fan runs for just over a second now and then turns itself off.

I am really worried now.
Any suggestions?
RMA again.

On a side note, the paperclip test should be done with some dummy load attached like a dvd writer or floppy drive.
Yes I tested with all type of load. DVD drive, Hard disk and even the case fan separately.
I have contacted Corsair India. They have advised to RMA it again.
The first power supply that i bought was a VX450. Died in 1.5 years. sent it. got a new VX450. It died again after 1.5 years. but still warranty was left. so sent it again. this time around i got a VX550!! Its purring along nicely till now. You dont get updates, fine. But hey, you get the warranty!! excellent service in my opinion. Every time the turn around time was around 15 days.
Last week i gave a VS 450 for RMA they told me ill be getting a new one by this coming monday or tuesday and i would agree with santy they dont send any acknowledgment emails.
Do you mean to say everytime the product is replaced, it comes with fresh warranty?
do not come with fresh warranty but since they give 5 year warranty, and my supply failed 2 times in the period, i got them replaced twice and got a upgraded supply during the 2nd RMA. That is great commitment on their part!!
Finally after more than a month of struggle, I got a new, working PSU as replacement.
This is a newer model and quite different in design. I observe that the fan is continuously running in this model. Is this how it works?
Not sure how silent the fan is, yet to test in a silent environment.
Overall, based on my experience, I give 3/5 for the commitment towards their customers and 1/5 for communication and system in product support.