Oracle 10g login problem

hey guys ...
i installed oracle 10g client and database on my Vista x64 system
wenever i click on SQL+ icon it asks me a login
in Login window wen i enter User name as scott and password as tiger
it says account is locked and login window appears again.
I tried iSql*plus URL in my mozzila and IE .. but same message appears...
Account is locked... :S
can ne1 help me with this issue ???
i want to login in it as i am giving DBA exam next week
plz reply asap:ashamed:
Scott/tiger used to be user/pass in old Oracle till oracle 8...

Now In oracle 10g it is not active you have to actiavte this user after installation...

During installation it ask you to set the password for -- system and Sys

if you have not set that you can search for default password for these user,

default password used to be something like - "change_on_install" -- do a google search

Otherwise login with user with which you installed ora10g, open Command prompt,

type -- sqlplus / as sysdba

This should log you in as system... For unix based system this works I am not sure about Windows.... As we work only on unix/linux based oracle...
^jalanbk is rite

You have to log on as SYSTEM/<your_password>@<your_database>

Then alter user scott account unlock;

And as a final step:
SQL> grant connect, resource to scott;

This should do it :) , now you should be able to login using the scott account.