Orkut on Java project

guys i have a project to be submitted in college. it is based on Java and the project is to basically create Orkut using Java language. it must have basic features like a profile, friends, scrapbook, etc.. even if it's very basic it'd do fine.. i don't have much knowledge of the language and have found this project..

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but i'm unable to run it. if any one can have a look at this and tell me how to run it, it'll save my ass on Monday..
Copy-pasted from readme.txt

To run the PROJECT ORKUT plz follow the Instruction below

QUICK START--> # COPY orkut_java IN C: DRIVE


1.It can run only on the JDK 1.5.0_05 OR JDK 1.5.0_06 or higher version and the classpath must be set correctly.

If u hav incompatible version of java then u must recompile all the files.

2.Copy this " orkut_java " in c: drive .

3.Set the ip address of the server machine in the " c:/orkut_java/source code/Client.java " file on 45th line then compile the file.

e.g. write " Socket client=new Socket("",4444); " on that line.

4.If Client and server are on the same machine then instead of ip address just type "localhost"

e.g. Socket client=new Socket("localhost",4444);

5.First start the server by executing Multiserver.bat

6.Then simply run the orkut.bat file on the Client machine. have fun!!!!

if u hav another version of java software just edit some part of batch files


* run first " java Multiserver "

* then run " java orkut "

7.Windows firewall & antivirus must be disabled . As it wont allow to open any unused port!!

8. THe filepath of java software should be--> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06;

Dude, Try making some efforts?
^ I didn't reply because if someone doesn't put in even the minimum effort to figure HOW it works, it is just not worth explaining
i've tried that already but the problem is with the line numbers.. i've cut pasted these but it didn't run.. also, as it's based on jsp, it needs a LAN.. i'm confused.. really couldn't figure out how they've counted those lines..

and this maybe the only reason, it's not running.. any of you just paste that ip address in 45th line and i'll try it again.. i've installed JDK and JRE on my system, i hope nothing more is required in order to run this..?

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finally, i figured it out after constantly working with errors and the jdk versions..

working fine now but without images, i hope it works fine tomorrow..