Audio Ortofon e-Q5: Initial Impressions


When I bought the e-Q5, I was interested in a couple of things. First is the technology - this is a Moving Armature IEM, which is a newer technology said to blend dynamic and BA strengths. Secondly, I was very interested about e-Q7. I read that this is better than e-Q7 at a lower price point. Since I don't have a mid-centric IEM in my collection, it made 'sense' to spend a ton on e-Q5, $250 to be precise. I got them as part of the Mega package deal from Musica Acoustics, Japan (FX-700, e-Q5 and Piano Forte II earbuds). At that price point, it is one of the costliest phones in my collection bettered only by SM3 @ $320 and trails FX700 by a few dollars.


Build Quality:

e-Q5 was packaged in a Red can that I can think of using in a few applications, none of which involves an IEM. Despite that, e-Q5 has one of the nicest build qualities I've come across. They are better than the much costlier SM3 and simply a class apart compared to most of the lower priced offerings. The cable is thicker, but it neither has chin slider/cord cinch nor strain relief where the cable enters the driver housing. Will the lack of strain relief be an issue? Only time will tell. I have worn them over the ear for the duration of my impressions, which is a few hours.

Sound Impressions:

Initially, when I ran my tracks (mostly vocal based ones), I was greatly impressed by e-Q5 so much so that it became only the third IEM besides Phonak PFE (my first BA), DDM (my first musical IEM) to make me say "wow". While PFE still impresses me and DDM to an extent (since then it has been overtaken by TF10 and FX700), e-Q5 slipped a bit in my opinion.

What I expected was a mid-centric IEM with a bit of bass and treble. After a few initial listens, I am thinking e-Q5 as more of a balanced IEM than a mid-centric one.

Bass of e-Q5 has some texture, but less on impact. It certainly has more body than that of a DBA-02. Bass is not a weak point in e-Q5 unless you are an avid fan of trance/electronica. For most of the other music, it has enough quantity, texture, body and even some string weight to sail through. Personally, I prefer the bass presentations of FX700/TF10 and even DBA-02 more.

Mids of e-Q5 are very forward. As a result, e-Q5 shines with genres I don't usually care about. In that aspect, e-Q5 is somewhat special. It made me listen through vocal albums and Jazz albums more than my other IEMs. Mids are neutral, smooth, but to my ears not rich. I can only call them mellow. It certainly does not appeal as much to me as the mids of SM3, which are warm, nearly as much forward, but are in your face. On the surface, they don't appear as incredibly detailed as some of the other IEMs like RE-252. SM3 too is not as micro-detailed as DBA-02. But, it's somewhat catchy presentation of mids saves it so far from my critique.

Treble of e-Q5 is recessed and lacks sparkle. But, it is said that it's better extended than e-Q7. The treble does not roll off as early as RE1, has a decent body, but not as appealing to me as I am a treble-head :ashamed:. I will not risk talking about extension as I can only hear a few hundred hz above 15 Khz. Sibilance is completely absent from e-Q5, which adds to it's strengths.

The sound stage and presentation of e-q5 is a tad strange. It reminds me a lot of RE-252. In RE-252, the details are spread more in stretched plane from left to right. But, e-Q5 is a tad different from RE-252 in the manner of imaging. The sound stage of e-Q5 is a tad wide than normal, but not incredibly large, spacious or wide by any stretch of imagination. At most times, I find the music between two planes - forward and more forward. But unlike RE-252, e-Q5 does have the height element in it's presentation. It positions instruments more in a height-width plane than the normal width-depth style. Most of the times, I can imagine sounds as points in space like stars in a fake, compressed sky. The depth is similar directly out of Clip+ and S9, but improves a bit with iPod Touch 3G -> LOD -> iBasso T3. I don't find e-Q5 to be as timbre rich as FX700 or even a HJE900 and DDM.

So, what's wrong with e-Q5? In a way, it is balanced, smooth, never sibilant and handles vocal based music very well. But, it lacks the aggression or details which is required for me to enjoy the music and hence tends to get boring with my usual genres. The presentation is unexciting, too smooth and laid-back to my ears. It sounds much closer to a dynamic IEM in more ways than a BA. BAs are mostly known for their good speed and incredible detail, which is not the case here. Dynamics are known for their great musical presentation and bass presentation, which is again not the case here. So, is it an epic fail? Not totally. It made me turn my attention to certain genres (Jazz, Vocals) which I usually do not bother about. In that sense, it's a good IEM. But, it's also a drawback - if you play to it's strengths, it will be a nice IEM. But, if you expect more because it's said to be a top-tier IEM, you'll likely be disappointed.

Is it worth $250? I think I'll reserve that judgment till I am able to compare them head-to-head against RE-262 someday. At this point, I've not given it as much time as I wanted to, because I invariably choose other IEMs over it most of the time. Let's see if my impressions after a few months change, though at this stage, I doubt it.
If these at $250 are your second most expensive IEMs then how much did the FX700 cost ???

Nice write up btw. Sounds very similar to the RE262 and of course to a lesser extent the RE1 in tonality though I am willing to bet the soundstage performance will be better on the RE262. How does cymbals sound with the E-Q5. I always thought my sibilance free HD650 and RE1s would render cymbal crashes equally badly like any other sibilance free headphone till I got the TPs. The TPs also dont have any sibilance but somehow cymbal crashes still sound pretty realistic IMO.

FX700 may be a tad bit costlier, but the computation is a bit complex since I got a total quote for e-Q5, FX700, Piano Forte II shipped from Musica Acoustics. I also got a decent discount for FX700 since it was without outer box and was a 'display item'. I'd not divulge the price as I've got a slightly better deal than most (certainly less than $300, but still far above $200) from Dimitri and it'd be a tad detrimental to his business since not many choose to get 3 items at once saving shipping costs from him.

I feel that RE262 will be much better and engaging than e-Q5. The cymbal crashes are decent with the e-Q5, but SM3 sounds more realistic in comparison. It's not as thin sounding as RE2 (I don't exactly remember RE1's cymbal crashes).
^^ Thanks for the info.

RE1 cymbal crashes are best left unsaid. At times I never knew some of my music actually had cymbals in them. Only on listening to the same tracks with the YH-100s I realized there were cymbal instruments in the music !
BF1983 said:
^^ Thanks for the info.

RE1 cymbal crashes are best left unsaid. At times I never knew some of my music actually had cymbals in them. Only on listening to the same tracks with the YH-100s I realized there were cymbal instruments in the music !
Lol very true
re262 represent cymbals naturally but recessed
great writeup santhosh.....felt like u wer describing 262
mukulymn said:
great writeup santhosh.....felt like u wer describing 262

I had a 6-month, no IEM rule. But, the way you bring up comparisons to 262 every now and then, I am tempted to try it! :ashamed:
Lol, i am sure you will love the RE262, the treble isn't rolled off, the details are there!

You can buy RE262 and later sell them for the same price you buy them at. cause most here are not buying the RE262 because they dont have CC/dont want to deal internationally.
strategy said:
Lol, i am sure you will love the RE262, the treble isn't rolled off, the details are there!

You can buy RE262 and later sell them for the same price you buy them at. cause most here are not buying the RE262 because they dont have CC/dont want to deal internationally.
one important factor can b a need of amp to make them airy and dynamic

ppl dnt like such iems so easily over here
^ I got it from Musica Acoustics, Japan.

Sorry fellas. I thought I'll just write about the sound experience, but I realize that it's better to include some more details like I usually do. Updated the first post now.
Damm, for a mid centric IEM the e-Q5 has got sibilance ? Of course its not really mid centric but the mids are definitely the main focus compared to the bass or treble.

Hmm, sibilance depends on the seal you get. If the seal is less than perfect then the sibilance can be unbearable !

Found the fake Sony hybrids to provide the best seal with the least sibilance.

Vocals sound pretty good with the e-Q5 but the bass doesn't seem to go very deep at all. Soundstage is reasonably wide, has very little depth but has very good height.

Will update after further listening.

And thanks for the loaner Esantosh. Much appreciated. :)
You managed to get sibilance out of it? With the stock tips, they really remained too buttery smooth, which is why I don't like them as much. If they got sibilance, I'll like them more, strange but true :lick:

Edit1: Would appreciate if you can post a few decent snaps of the IEM later.

Edit2: On second thoughts, any chance you are using the source setup for RE1? Could that have caused sibilance?
^^ Sibilance is heavily dependent on seal and how you insert them. I got a shock on hearing sibilance today since I tried them yesterday and found no sibilance at all.

Now I got a good seal and everything is fine now. But you are right they are not very engaging and I am almost bored of their sound already even though I just started using them.

The RE1s have a forward midrange so at least I can focus on the vocals. The Re262 has only slightly forward mids but their superb imaging made me sit up and listen to them.The e-Q5 has a neutral midrange which is neither forward nor recessed and okaish imaging. Nothing really stands out and transient response is not much better than the dynamic IEMs.
I'll post a much detailed comparison between RE-262 and e-Q5 in the RE-262 thread later on. But, before I forget everything I compared, here's a short comparison of e-Q5 and RE-262.

Bass: e-Q5 has longer decay and lesser quantity than RE-262. When amplified via iBasso T3, it almost sounds muddy.

Mids: Mids on e-Q5 sound a bit thinner, but more micro-detailed than RE-262.

Treble: Treble of e-Q5 is more forward and sparkling when compared to the laid-back RE-262.

Others: Timbre is better than RE-262. Sibilance if present in the recording will be shown through, but not to hurting levels as some IEMs.

Some e-Q5 specific things observed during the course of this comparison: I observe some changes between wearing them straight down and over the ear. I am guessing these can sound a tad different based on angle of insertion and insertion depth. I don't really think the driver cares whether the cable is over my ear or not :p. I observed certain slight bumps and dips in the frequency response. I tried some EQ-ing, but returned to EQ-less listening for the comparison. Would write more about them when I get around to writing my full review sometime much later on.

Overall: Since they returned from BF1983, I am liking them a bit more. My disappointment still stays i.e., a $250 IEM not doing something very special like the even more costlier FX700 and SM3 to keep me interested. e-Q5 does some things well, but never qualifies at the top of the class. Had it been a reasonable $150 with the same build quality, I'd not think of complaining as in my first post.
well FX700 and SM3 are special IEMs.

now, we dont mix royal people with general folk, do we?

<sm3 sure looks like some thing from early , star wars( donno where i read that ) , and the woody-goldy FX700 looks great>

BTW , what does the new technology bring in? how is the e-Q5 different than dynamic drivers and Balanced armature.

considering that the costliest universal IEM ever, employs the same technology. I am interested. ( not that i would buy it ever, my list is long )