P2P network among members.Is it possible?

Hey, is it possible to form a p2p network among the members of TE. instead of sharing files between unknown users,isnt it better to share files among trusted members of TE.. is this possible?
so u mean members of TE make their own files? where do they get new files, they have to get it from unknown p2p users too, for being able to share with you :p
Regarding the TE ppl network:
Consider this:
1. We wont stay online for a long time, so it will difficult for u to download the file.
2. As it is we might not have the file that u may want.

Regarding any TE member seeding:
But we may create a torrent file and seed it as well and upload so that others may download. Yes it's possible. Have u not seen desi torrent sites?
yeah Grudge is right. As it is, i can't find my files in p2p's like Limewire and E-mule where not about a handful but millions of people share their files!!
Seem's like a good idea, but its not going to work.
Instead, you could request the files on this forums, and maybe someone can post a BT link or a normal link to the file (wrapped in the code of course). For Example - gamingforce.com's forums have hidden forums where you request any file you want( from movies to music etc ) that's probably the best way to,uh, well, pirate...
The Request system is better, but then again TE could get into trouble for this, i think.
Yep, I don't think TE should risk starting a pir*cy network! Not at this point of time at least!
But hey members, I'll be setting up a forum during my vacation days, where all TE members can request and send files or whatever they wish to each other!
How'z the idea?

P.S. : Contact nikhilesh if u want to get further information about the Project codenamed "The Deadly One's Liar". He'll have to get my permission before disclosing any details, of course! :eek:hyeah:
Intersting topic brought up here,and heres interesting links a well to check out :)
DIYP2P http://www.diyp2p.com/index.html
DIYP2P is a FREE platform for creating your own P2P program. Anyone who knows HTML can create a file sharing program connected to the popular G1/G2 networks. Since DIYP2P is using GnucDNA as the network core, your application will have all the features of a solid P2P program, already packed with files and sharing users. Basically you can think of DIYP2P as an Open Source platform where you don't need to be a programmer to use it.
Major Features
• FREE platform to develop your own File Sharing program
• Access to the Gnutella1 and Gnutella2 networks - packed with users and files
• Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainformation
• Lightning fast downloads from multiple users simultaneously
• Connection to the network using GWebCache, a distributed connection system
• Support for MAGNET links that allow you to click on web page links that access Gnutella
• Elegant multiple search tabbed interface
• Bandwidth control for the uploads and downloads

Set and run a Java-based P2P application on a private network

JXTA, a project started by Sun Microsystems, is a set of protocols to set up or develop P2P applications. Project JXTA claims numerous functionalities, which include exotic ones like messaging and file transfers across firewalls, communication across Internet with other remote machines (called peers).

Other features
- myJXTA, a graphical peer-to-peer application, allows you to group chat, one-to-one chat and share files
- By default, you will be a member of a group called NetPeerGroup. The concept of group is similar to that of chat rooms.
-Group chat
Whatever is typed in a group chat is broadcasted to all the members of a group. A user can create his own group also. -Individual chat
Individual chat means one-to-one chat, which is unlike a group chat in which the messages are broadcasted to everyone in the group. In JXTA, this chat is similar to instant messaging and Web-based private chat.
-Sharing files
The ability to share files across peers has become the most obvious facility in P2P applications.
there is no server required in P2P collaboration. To get connected, you have to just install the JXTA application on the networked machines. Each of the peers broadcasts its presence across the network.​

Share files with your friends or with the entire world by email. Easy and safe ! Like a filesharing server (plenty of features) but through your regular email client. Emails are simple and easy to use, can go through firewalls. Accessible to everybody everywhere...

Just configure a server with its own email address and people can ask you a file just by sending an email which subject is the filename of the desired file. The file is sent back as attachment.

More Resources
What Peer to Peer Developers need to konw about Copyright Law ...a must read if u wanna getserious bout it.
DRUMS - In search of a file-sharing solution

By the way ,wasnt there a sort of community site that alowed group based filesharing like p2p's on a distributed type concept..someone i remember was talking bout it.
Yes a private network can be worked out using one of many clients that are out there (SoulSeek,Filetopia,Exosee) A private room can be setup that only would let in members that you wanted.

Also there are a few IM clients that let you do the same thing. (IM2,Qnext)
On a sour note the requesting of Copyrighted files or torrents will not be allowed in this forum.
It won't work. The number of clients is too less, plus its gonna be very hard to download and find files in such a small community. Majority of TE is under dialup (that's 7 kBps and below) and even for some that have BB they are bound by limits and hardly go above 30 kBps, by keeping these estimates, the downloading will be very slow because you are going to spend about a DAY waiting in the line for download even if you do manage to find a file that one of us members happened to have. Unless you are planning to share pictures, images or text's only then its reccomened.

~HeadShot~ said:
Yep, I don't think TE should risk starting a pir*cy network! Not at this point of time at least!
But hey members, I'll be setting up a forum during my vacation days, where all TE members can request and send files or whatever they wish to each other!
How'z the idea?
Now that is something that is really gonna work out well.....
We can setup a DC++ hub...i guess most of you guys have ur pc's up 24/7.
The only problem will be who hosts the hub(preferably some1 who has a static ip) but if you have a dynamic ip....we'll have to come up with a way which lets others know of this IP.
If you guys know about TeamSpeak...you'll know its a wonderful way to talk online...besides it can be a central hub were all TE members can meet and where the IP of the DC++ hub can be maintained.
As for running TeamSpeak...we can make the server be visible to others but have a password for entry so that only TE members can gain access to the DC++ hub IP.

Can TE host a TeamSpeak server?? it doesnt require a lot of bandwidth....
We can have a trial where i'll host the TeamSpeak server and you guys can join in see how it works....PM me if you are interested
Yeah like it's really easy ? You are talking about DC++ hubs here, not some chatroom where one can just create one, you ' HOST ' hubs, meaning ? You need at least 1 mbps or 4-5 guys on 256 connections which need to be active 24 hrs a day! The limit of the bandswidth of the host determines the number of clients that can join in the hub.

So if there are guys with a Real Boradband connection ( indian ISP's like Sify Mtnl, Bsnl are a joke when it comes to this ) with at least couple of hosts with 512+ connections, go forward, and look back at my prevous post about how it's gonna be frustrating when it comes to actually sharing and downloading files. believe me, at least on this one. But still if you think it should work out well, go forward, i'm with ya' all....

Also, one can just request files, and through PM one can give the link or give the address of MSN/Yahoo and through their messengers you can share files :clap:
Hey, but don't start doing that on TE now :bleh:
Ok I agree that I didnt know anout DC++ hub requirements. I searched over and I got some information.

I do have a real time 256kbps connection but the only problem is i can only surf on nights. Still I can help other willing people out here. and BTW most of us are night-crawlers so my line could be of help I suppose.
Yeah like it's really easy ? You are talking about DC++ hubs here, not some chatroom where one can just create one, you ' HOST ' hubs, meaning ? You need at least 1 mbps or 4-5 guys on 256 connections which need to be active 24 hrs a day! The limit of the bandswidth of the host determines the number of clients that can join in the hub.

Calm down dude!!! We'll never know what to do unless we try something...we have to make a begining somewhere.....

BTW I too have a 256k line and my pc is on 24/7
Rahul which connection are u using....i am on Exatt