CPU/Mobo P5Q-E + 8800GT = No Post


I just recieved a P5Q-E from Rashi RMA in exchange for my busted P5N-32-E-Sli. Now the problem is that it randomly refuses to POST. Sometimes it does boot up ... but then suddenly stops working again.
My current cabinet does not have a speaker so i cant even think of the cause based on the Beeps. The confusing bit is that the system will run at random. One time it may run...30 seconds later it wont.
Have reset BIOS.
Reseated RAM/GPU
Checked all connections.
Tried different RAM.
Is this a known problem? Have any of you faced the same ? I googled a bit but no specific solution came up.
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me out here.
I had a similar problem, But another motherboard.. It was Intel 946GZIS, the problem was just the same. Booting only at random & crashing without any apparent reason. I tried replacing the ram, smps etc, but nothing helped. It was solved by a BIOS update, no problems whatsover from then.. Rock solid stability.

I think you should check your system with other ram/psu also, since they also could be the culprits.

It's a a new board, complete with box,cables,disks..the works. Took over 5 weeks and now this. I once admired ASUS board for their feature set + stability. But this has left a bad taste in my mouth.


I've tried different RAM. i know the PSU works for sure, but i will try another.

Any other suggestions ? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
A faulty mobo is a possiblity also.. Can you check the board with some other graphics card? Just to make sure that the gfx+mobo combination is not causing the problem..