PC problem....please help

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I have windows XP SP2 installed on my pc...but lately ive been having some problems and am having a hard time figuring out whether it is a software/harware problem.

The problems I'm facin are:
1. When I start my PC...most of the time it works fine as if nothing is wrong with it...but sometimes randomly it just doesnt start...I mean it does get powered on but I do not get the all OK beep and it keeps restarting and the monitor does not come on.
2.Sometimes the monitor does come on and i get the following message:

Windows NT has found only 0k of low memory. 512k of low memory is required to run Windows NT. You may need to upgrade your computer or run a configuration program provided by the manufacturer.

Can anybody please help me and give me a solution to my problem.

Mail: neil_dcruz_19@yahoo.co.in
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