PC Peripherals PC problem....please help


I have windows XP SP2 installed on my pc...but lately ive been having some problems and am having a hard time figuring out whether it is a software/harware problem.

The problems I'm facin are:
1. When I start my PC...most of the time it works fine as if nothing is wrong with it...but sometimes randomly it just doesnt start...I mean it does get powered on but I do not get the all OK beep and it keeps restarting and the monitor does not come on.
2.Sometimes the monitor does come on and i get the following message:

Windows NT has found only 0k of low memory. 512k of low memory is required to run Windows NT. You may need to upgrade your computer or run a configuration program provided by the manufacturer.

Can anybody please help me and give me a solution to my problem.

Mail: neil_dcruz_19@yahoo.co.in
hey man these..thing (PC restarting) happen when the capacitors on ur motherboard have become old....... just take a look at ur mobo for leaking capacitor's and replace them.... or remove ur RAM and try it in another slot....

try it
I am not much into comp and learning a bit right now.

One of my comp gurus used to tell me this,

if the comp doesn't start or gets restarted.

do two things,

1. clean ur ram,(physically) and also ram slots off dust

2. replace battery

I have no clue why u do this, but give it a try.

if some one knows why, kindly explain.