PC Peripherals PC switches off within 1 second

Ok so the other day while just surfing my pc just shutted down on its own...
After tht when i try to press the power button all that happens is that the fans and all start for a second or so and it just switches off automatically.
This problem started friday and ive been trying to start it but nothings happening ... freaking problem has ruined my weekend:mad::mad::mad::mad:....
Is my psu dead or something ???

My config: msi 965 neo 3 f ,c2d e6600 at default stock, 2x1gb transcend 667
ati 4870 512 mb corsair 450 vx .....
Boot without any sata devices connected to the motherboard and see if it boots. Then try with 1 ram stick at the time. Do the basic power cycle and see if all the psu wires are connected properly.
It seems to be PSU issue most likely. Power Good signal would not be reported correctly and hence it shuts itself down.
^^ Yeah one could try that. and-

Remove the whole config from the case and try to boot it. It could be problem of the power button so you can try shortening the power headers on the mobo. Check both the rams on the other machine and reseat the processors again.
satanofgamers said:
Ok so the other day while just surfing my pc just shutted down on its own...

After tht when i try to press the power button all that happens is that the fans and all start for a second or so and it just switches off automatically.

This problem started friday and ive been trying to start it but nothings happening ... freaking problem has ruined my weekend:mad::mad::mad::mad:....

Is my psu dead or something ???

My config: msi 965 neo 3 f ,c2d e6600 at default stock, 2x1gb transcend 667

ati 4870 512 mb corsair 450 vx .....

This happens with me a month earlier. PSU is the culprit, take it to any corsair service center.
GunnerMania said:
The last time something like this happened to my system, it was the mobo. In your case i think its either the mobo / cpu.


Experienced a similar situation and the culprit was mobo in my case too.
If you have tried all above methods then,

Remove all the dust accumlated in heatsink & on circuit. reapply thermal paste. this might work.
sounds funny...eh?.....Well this worked for me for the same problem, back then when I had a celeron rig.:D
jampack said:
Experienced a similar situation and the culprit was mobo in my case too.

Yes, months back I had an exactly similar problem with one of my computers and it turned out that the motherboard had died. Bloody shame. :mad:
PSU either dont work frm start or last really long(Good ones). i dont think its a PSU issue......Most likely northbrige chip is dead......Chk teh mobo with other config......Motherboards are usually the first to die
hmmm this mobo was an issue for a long time first of if i connect 4 sata drives together windows hangs.. the mouse input is short... waiting for my comp guy to come..

even im suspecting my mobo cause corsair psu's dunt die this easily... neways thanks a lot for ur input.. will update once the guy comes over.. thanks...
Dude, Try this technique.

Use Clear Cmos Jumper 5 times, If does not work then use below instructions:

Remove power from PSU

Remove battery and clear cmos with jumper 1 times,

place battery upside down and clear Cmos 3 times.

then place the battery properly and clear cmos using jumper 1 more time.

This time display will come.

5 is the default system post count which applied properly will resolve the issue.


^^ wud help if u have ur mobo manual with u......has three pins with the cap on two, for clearing u have to place it on the another pair.....very simple if u have ze manual with u...oderwise just takeout the battery.....be careful about discharging the static ...
Do you have these symptoms-

1) You switch on using power switch, but computer shuts off ater 1 sec

2) If you try power button again you get no repsonse

3) If you remove power cable from PSU, and put it in after 5-10 secs and agin try power switch its back to Step 1

If yes then this happens only due to a Short Circuit. It is called short circuit protection.

1) You need to remove evrything from your mobo and disconnect everything from PSU. Just keep CPU, Mobo, RAM. If it is working fine, then culprit is peripheral device.

2) If you still get above symptoms, connect only Mobo and power on

3) If it is still the same, disconnect PSU completely and short pin 14/15(keep it shorted), the PSU should switch on

4) If PSU still shuts off then it is PSU else Mobo. At this point you can try connecting a fan also to ensure PSU is giving output voltage.

NOTE PSU Pinout, to help you identify pins --> http://pinouts.ru/Power/atxpower_pinout.shtml