Storage Solutions PCI SATA controller card ?

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Bumping on old thread instead of creating a new one. Can someone give me a suggestion on a PCI to SATA card? Was looking to buy something even remotely branded since I don't want my hard disk to be screwed up.
Any suggestions guys?

EDIT: Okay, I definitely remember bumping an old thread. What has happened here? :(
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^ You had posted in a USB controller thread :)

Look out for cards with SIL or Marvell controllers, and avoid the Via chipsets. No point bothering about SATA speeds since PCI ports anyway max out at 133MB/s.
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One of these maybe? Need a recommendation please. I am fine with the prices for either of the below but need something reliable. The card may have one or two 1.5/2 TB HDDs plugged in at a time, purely as a media server, so speeds are not really an issue.
I have the one in your first link. My review is on that page too. Works perfectly, though mine is now idling because the motherboard has 8 SATA ports all by itself and i have seven disks.
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I have the one in your first link. My review is on that page too. Works perfectly, though mine is now idling because the motherboard has 8 SATA ports all by itself and i have seven disks.
Placed an order for that.
PS: Which motherboard are you using for your file server now?
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