Phenom II X2 550BE and Biostar TA790GX 128M


Insanely Idiotic
Finally got the Processor and the Motherboard for Rs 11,200 from E-lounge
Some Pics -


Congrats and happy Phenoming....BTW if you plan to OC quite a bit, I would suggest you get those VRM's covered up. Look for some nice Heatsinks for that. Have seen a lot of VRM's blow due to lack of cooling.
Congrats. :D

Prices went up a bit?

Please show the free pen too. :)

What stepping btw? :p

Unlock Unnlock Unlock. :clap:

DS saar- what GXB? What electrolytic caps? :S
^^Please no sirr bikey sir :p

Sorry I meant the GX 128M..The capacitors present in the board. Newer boards comes with all solid state capacitor design while this board has ss capacitors only in the VRM area while rest of them are electrolytic capacitors used to have low life then solid state. My HA07 comes with full solid state design which is just 500-600 bucks more than 128M :)
actually solid caps are only needs in places where it heats up, or its likely tio be heated by by nearby components. Enthusiastic boards uses all solid caps, to ensure the user its rock solid, and maybe to justify its price.

AT normal temps, even electrolytic caps has enuf life span bout 5~6 y5rs.

but those will ve very less life span in high temps, but higher temps arnt much affected on solid caps.

but one of the main thing i dun liek bout the biostar 790GXB A2 or GX 128 is its 4 pin CPU power connectors. Almost all other brand's 790 boards uses 8 pin connector, which shud ensure slightly better power distribution.