Less than 10K phone for < 10k

Hi ,
Buying a phone for my brother .

1. Budget?
A: 10k
2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar
3. Preferred display type?
A: none
4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen
6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Required a camera.
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
apps >calls > text >multimedia > camera ,etc
10. Any other requirements?
11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: sony experia M / micromax doodle

Need a good quality phone that would last for 2 years atleast.

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If you are open for any brands then Xolo 800 or 700 are better option (more features) in that budget.
Otherwise Samsung S/Ace duos or Sony Xperia E, but Lumia 520/525 is better then mentioned Samsung and Sony devices.
:Facepalm: Missed that it's for your bro in the OP.

Anyhoo, if the budget can be stretched to about 12k, then the best options (for a top tier brand) would be available to you, viz. Samsung Galaxy Core & Sony Xperia M. (Note that I have read at least a couple of comments on TE about h/w problems with the M). If not, there's the Galaxy Trend & Star Pro, both of which are single core & skimp on a lot of sensors (including the Proximity Sensor!!). So many will say that it's crap, but imo it's not as crappy as it may seem. (This is based on the fact that I'm used to a LG Optimus One P500 which still gets the basics tasks done efficiently, albeit on a non-JB ROM).

If you are open to Panasonic, there's the T11 which has a quad core & 1 gig of ram. So that'll probably be the best balance of a decent brand & specs within the budget. (Battery might be a downer though). Then there's the Lenovo a516, which has better specs than the trend/star but not as good as the T11. Similarly, there's the Panasonic T31 & the Huawei Ascend G510 & ZTE Blade C. (Note though that the Huawei Iooks imo real cheap; Saw it in a store once). There's also the ZTE Blade G2 with a quad core processor.

I'm not too sure whether you'll be able to check any of these in stores. & also how much better their ASS is anybody's guess. But I think the general consensus is that these brands are better than the Indian brands with respect to reliability/durability.

HTH. Cheers!
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No probs. Do note that I've edited the post to now include - Note that I have read at least a couple of comments on TE about h/w problems with the Xperia M - Just a heads up. Also for the Trend, Core, & M reviews check out the ones by geekyranjit on youtube. I think his reviews are amongst the best as they give a very complete picture.