FS: Games Playstation 3 Games

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Product Name & URL:
1. Assassin's Creed II | http://www.flipkart.com/assassin-s-creed-ii/p/itmcnzhgfe2aydvw?pid=AVMCNZHGGN56TYVR&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=ps3 game assassin creed 2&ref=e1f6af1c-a5ff-47a3-be92-cec68905713c

2. Assassin's Creed III | http://www.flipkart.com/assassin-s-creed-iii/p/itmd7chzehzebqqn?pid=AVMD7CHZESCZBRNW&otracker=from-search&srno=t_5&query=ps3 game assassin creed 2&ref=e1f6af1c-a5ff-47a3-be92-cec68905713c

3. Batman: Arkham City | http://www.flipkart.com/batman-arkham-city-british-imported-edition/p/itmdnv73cgumgpap?pid=AVMDNV6GDXZNU9HY&otracker=from-search&srno=t_3&query= Batman: Arkham City&ref=796f838b-aa22-47d9-8177-4338cc74c18a

4. Borderlands 2 | http://www.flipkart.com/borderlands-2/p/itmd8zjdnuf2eqww?pid=AVMD8ZJ95GHFC35M&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=ps3 borderlands 2&ref=5e33ea4d-c847-414e-a01b-1e6698d0fc3d

5. Catherine | http://www.flipkart.com/catherine/p/itmd8yygpeznfbgh?pid=AVMD8YYEEGQEP4HF&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=Catherine ps3&ref=566ad79d-d198-40f0-a300-efc005001b9d

6. Dead Space 2 | http://www.flipkart.com/dead-space-2-standard-edition/p/itmdgzhjzzsnfegj?pid=AVMCYUZ2UCDAXAGD&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=Dead Space 2&ref=0e69fb06-aa58-4fce-94d4-8bd3cd103312

7. Dead Space 3 | http://www.flipkart.com/dead-space-3-limited-edition/p/itmdr7yzeuhuahzj?pid=AVMDF2BYYPHPZ3UX&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=dead space 3&ref=905cf11b-324b-420d-b482-84641d1380e4

8. Deus Ex: Human Revolution | http://www.flipkart.com/deus-ex-human-revolution/p/itmczg6gwvxxu3az?pid=AVMCZJMZGEJZJNRH&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=deus ex human revolution&ref=2dc10950-d201-4db7-934d-6257a508be75

9. DmC: Devil May Cry | http://www.flipkart.com/dmc-devil-may-cry/p/itmd92zsffruj55x?pid=AVMD92YUBJNVGGHP&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=dmc ps3&ref=74869601-64f6-4f0d-8a73-4b4e82b68a99

10. Dragon's Dogma | http://www.flipkart.com/dragon-s-dogma/p/itmczwyrhys4vkpt?pid=AVMCZVZDGGGMESMZ&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=dragons dogma ps3&ref=3c5a9a5e-0143-41c0-951a-50235b034744

11. God of War III | http://www.flipkart.com/god-war-iii-essentials/p/itmdkhusptt2tgdp?pid=AVMCNZHHRAPT8ZRY&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=god of war 3&ref=fdc91b91-261d-434e-bb15-716e8e4254c3

12. God of War: Ascension | http://www.flipkart.com/god-war-ascension/p/itmdghwfptjv3hgn?pid=AVMD8UWRFYUGCZ39&otracker=from-search&srno=t_3&query=god of war 3&ref=fdc91b91-261d-434e-bb15-716e8e4254c3

13. Heavy Rain | http://www.flipkart.com/heavy-rain-move-essentials/p/itmdmy8y54hc7cg6?pid=AVMDGEEUJZPBFKHZ&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=heavy rain ps3&ref=d4393fe8-51f4-4ce3-95c5-cf6bb83c3587

14. Mass Effect 3 | http://www.flipkart.com/mass-effect-3/p/itmczg6gbgqthr77?pid=AVMCZG63RGWWSK3H&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=mass effect 3 ps3&ref=ae1de2c5-abc1-4b41-a2fc-1be08c521343

15. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots | http://www.flipkart.com/metal-gear-solid-4-guns-patriots/p/itmdfzndhzhgzegj?pid=AVMCPDB4HGXTEWQQ&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=metal gear solid 4 ps3&ref=c7d486e0-cb0e-4e4f-b84b-902a1a3adf90

16. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance | http://www.flipkart.com/metal-gear-rising-revengeance/p/itmdhxqf8ggqtg5g?pid=AVMD7FTGEE4CWBJF&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=metal gear rising ps3&ref=bb81fa1d-5643-4fe3-b6bd-6a09c769ed10

17. Metro: Last Light | http://www.flipkart.com/metro-last-light-limited-edition/p/itmdg5cbpxdtzbrv?pid=AVMDG5CYHJCZ4KTH&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=metro last light ps3&ref=cf9a6817-60d7-4843-8c16-d3ed4b5bca6e

18. Rage | http://www.flipkart.com/rage-anarchy-edition-dutch-import/p/itmdjmwffwbg7gq3?pid=AVMDJMT49EB7SUGM&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=rage anarchy edition ps3&ref=4b8fe055-17b2-4f86-b43a-cfb2b09be236

19. Resistance 3 | http://www.flipkart.com/resistance-3-essentials/p/itmdjvuqgkvegd8g?pid=AVMCZG63SJJESZJH&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=resistance 3&ref=9aed59b1-8260-485a-8a0e-85155bf91181

20. Shadows of the Damned | http://www.flipkart.com/shadows-of-the-damned/p/itmczcskjffjkjfa?pid=AVMCYUYZZCY49QTV&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=Shadows of the Damned ps3&ref=652cb2fa-7554-4a62-85ca-311bb6e73263

21. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | http://www.flipkart.com/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/p/itmdjr7cmpfyhhwg?pid=AVMCZXFXPCAAUVZU&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ps3&ref=a088ab0d-ca9c-4175-84de-8eb46c60d1aa

22. The Last of Us | http://www.flipkart.com/the-last-of-us/p/itmdpwk6afgf95z7?pid=AVMDHXX66EBKXFZU&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=The Last of Us&ref=765cf1f2-e580-48c1-9e3f-5cf75591b5a3

23. Tomb Raider | http://www.flipkart.com/tomb-raider/p/itmdky62zgtemkt3?pid=AVMDF2BZHANJHU3S&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=Tomb Raider ps3&ref=4bef40cc-5d05-4ae2-8504-bce5dfc7845f

24. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 | http://www.nextworld.in/product.aspx?sku=SW4609

25. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) | http://www.flipkart.com/uncharted-3-drake-s-deception-game-year-edition/p/itmdsxn9ztmkyhxw

Expected Price:
Assassin's Creed II :- Rs. 550

Assassin's Creed III :- Sold @sato1986
Batman: Arkham City :- Rs. 650
Borderlands 2 :- Rs. 900
Catherine :- Rs. 1000
Dead Space 2 :- Rs. 700
Dead Space 3 :- Rs. 1350
Deus Ex: Human Revolution :- Rs. 650
DmC: Devil May Cry :- Rs. 1500
Dragon's Dogma :- Rs. 800
God of War III :- Rs. 700
God of War: Ascension :- Rs. 1000
Heavy Rain :- Sold @vamsi_krishna
Mass Effect 3 :- Rs. 600
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots :- Rs. 750
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance :- Rs. 1400
Metro: Last Light :- Rs. 1400
Rage :- Rs. 400
Resistance 3 :- Rs. 500
Shadows of the Damned :- Rs. 550
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim :- Rs. 750
The Last of Us :- Sold @sato1986
Tomb Raider :- Rs. 900
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 :- Sold @prabs
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) :- Sold @vamsi_krishna

Source and Time of Purchase: Local resellers mostly around launch date(s).

Reason for Sale: Friend upgraded to PC for gaming.

RMA history: Not applicable.

Product Condition: Mint. Check pics.

Purchase Invoice Available: No.

Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Not applicable.

Accessories Included: As is.

Product Location: Chandigarh.

Preferred Courier: DTDC.

Shipping Charges: At actuals.

Payment Options: Cash or bank transfer.

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Imgur link - http://imgur.com/a/UA4rc

These were bought mostly around launch date with some exceptions. All games have literature they came with. Check pics for more. Some of the links point to non standard versions i.e. limited editions and vice-versa. The links are only for representational purposes. Pm me for details. Consider any codes or extra add-ons which are single use only to be used and hence not part of sales package. If a included code does work for you, consider it a freebie. Please do not pm asking whether a specific code is included or will it work for you or not. Please refrain from low balling. If you find a cheaper option elsewhere please go ahead and buy from there. All prices are fixed.
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Assassin's Creed III and The Last of Us sold to @sato1986
A few titles on hold for various members. Will keep updating thread as deals are confirmed. Bump for the remaining.
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Games handed over to @sato1986
Courier shipped to @vamsi_krishna and @prabs
Docket number pm'ed to buyers. Will update thread once they receive items.
Bump for all the rest.[DOUBLEPOST=1393768542][/DOUBLEPOST]Bump.
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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) sold to @vamsi_krishna
Funds received and product dispatched via DTDC. Docket number sent to buyer. Bump for the rest.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception received by buyer. Waiting for him to update thread. Bump for the rest.
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Assassin's Creed II :- Sold offline.
Assassin's Creed III :- Sold @sato1986
Batman: Arkham City :- Sold @RS4
Borderlands 2 :- Rs. 900
Catherine :- Sold offline.
Dead Space 2 :- Sold offline.
Dead Space 3 :- Rs. 900
Deus Ex: Human Revolution :- Sold offline.
DmC: Devil May Cry :- Sold @RS4
Dragon's Dogma :- Sold @RS4
God of War III :- Sold @RS4
God of War: Ascension :- Sold @RS4
Heavy Rain :- Sold @vamsi_krishna
Mass Effect 3 :- Sold offline.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots :- Sold offline.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance :- Sold.
Metro: Last Light :- Sold.
Rage :- Sold offline.
Resistance 3 :- Sold offline.
Shadows of the Damned :- Sold @RS4
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim :- Sold @RS4
The Last of Us :- Sold.
Tomb Raider :- Sold.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 :- Sold @prabs
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Game of the Year Edition) :- Sold @vamsi_krishna
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Bump. Only these left now -

Borderlands 2 :- Rs. 900
Dead Space 3 :- Rs. 900

Both games for 1.7k shipped to any location in India.
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