Please Suggest BOOKS for these Subjects...

Please Suggest BOOKS for these Subjects...

Friends Need Help,

I completed my Graduation in Electrical & Electronics Engg. I wanna know reference books for the following subjects/programming subjects:


* Java - I think J2SE is for beginners


* Book Regarding MySQL Database Handling

I don't wanna go too much deeper, just I wanna know the basics of above languages and wanna know How to do programming upto intermediate level (atleast)....

Pls Help :)
mrintech said:
Thanks :)

But what abt others :huh:

Finish that and come back. Thats enough on your plate for now. If you see too much you wont do any...

Btw.... I suggest you go with either Java or PHP... Why do you want to do both?
If you really want to learn Java, get the detailed videos made by SUN. They have video modules(that run into sveral hours) for beginners and intermediate programmers. Extremely good and detailed they are... They divide the course into sections. Very expensive...but you know how to get them.

IMO, books are good for reference, but when you want to learn something quick, video tutorials work well. I stay clear from free videos cause they are generally not structured.
for PHP - Appress is good choice

Java - if you have some knowledge about java then try kethy sierra SCJP preparation book

CSS- goto tutorials.