Graphic Cards pls suggest a card.


m getting a 3600 wid 2gigs of ram..intend to oc it .
pls suggest me a card under 10k.
My req:
wanna play all games releasing dis yr @ 1024x768 res full eye candy wid atleast 2xAA n 4xAF.

or second hand

power supply:
also suggest me a power supply.
my budget for PSu is 2k.

in short suggest me a Gfx card n PSU for 12k
A second hand X1900XTX/7900GTX will be a much better option than 8600gt/7900gs ect. DarkNight's selling his 7900GTXs, you might want to check that.
powersafe 500W its around 2.3k in bombay lamington road
and a decent card would be a a second hand X1900XT will come around 12 i think or if ur willing to shell out more 2/3k go for a 1950 pro pretty good card