CPU/Mobo Pls suggest CPU+Mobo+Ram+Gfx -from US


Hello, so another one of my friends is coming down from the US on 7th Aug, which means he will want to have all the stuff by the 5-6th of Aug.

He is off to SFO and Hawaii, he said I can order the stuff, and when they are back after 10 days, he can pick it up from the local post office, guys from US pls tell if thats how it works?!

Now to my upgrade, you can see my current system from my sig, jus replace the 1900XT with a Diamond 4850, my requirements, online gaming, love my TF2, Movies, browsing, also like to try out latest games on my comp...jus to see how they look, really dont have that much time to play em all. I have a 22' game at 1680x1050 resolution.

This is the stuff I have shortlisted pls feel free to pour in ur thoughts positive/negative.

CPU- E8500 / Q6600 / Q9450, really thing the 8500 is too tempting at the current price point, for some reason I wanna get a Quad, really confusing, tho I dont think the Q9450 justifies its price tag ATM.

Mobo- Asus P5Q Deluxe/ Gigabyte EP45 DS4 (also having thots abt the x48 based mobo's)

Ram - I am a Corsair loyalist, but with Funky's reco on the Gskill/OCZ dont mind trying them out, will get the 4gb kits, the dominators do come at a premium.

Gfx- this is the real tough one, I know for my requirements my current 4850 will do just fine, but I wanted the 4870 from the begining could not get it due to lack of availability at that time, so do I get the 4870, or another 4850? or the Gtx 280?

Let the comments begin.


> E8500 would be fine at $183.
Q9450 will be better but not with its $..
> ASUS P45.. Awsome!.. X48 with 5-10% advantge wont b worth at its $.
> 4850 - more than enough at 1650 x 1280..
> G-Skill or corsair - let other members will decide..:hap2:
Just use your old Asus P5W DH Deluxe with Q6600 for One more year.

I am using the same, got Q6600 last month, got very good results. Presently I have 7800GTX with 256, I trying for any 512mb version GPU.
why not get crossfire also good psu ;) also x48 or x38 chipest with e6400 u can oc 3 ghz don't update u cpu man you e6400 is enough also + oc :D
gcbeldar said:
Just use your old Asus P5W DH Deluxe with Q6600 for One more year.

I am using the same, got Q6600 last month, got very good results. Presently I have 7800GTX with 256, I trying for any 512mb version GPU.[/QUOTE]

Thats an excellent idea! I dont know just want a change plus the PCIE 2.0 upgrade

Ajayarun said:
why not get crossfire also good psu ;) also x48 or x38 chipest with e6400 u can oc 3 ghz don't update u cpu man you e6400 is enough also + oc :D
Hi Arun, will definitely change my PSU if I am moving to a higher GPU than the 4850, will get the BZ800, but I am a little skeptical about CFing, more heat, cramped Cabby, etc.. etc

So in GPU either 4870/Gtx 260 or stick with the current 4850.
Don't think about crossfire unless you can get a Duo which can overclock to 4GHz+ or Quad which can do 3.5GHz+

As I found out, Crossfire is worthless for anyone who does not have a processor to match. Most of the high end games will be limited by the CPU even if you have the graphics muscle.

E8500/Q9450 are fine, but get ready to overclock them massively if you go crossfire. You will also need a good HSF like a TRUE or something better.

Another thing I found out is that RAM timings seem to have a great impact on the 3DMark scores, I am not sure whether this extends to games, but 712 MHz @ 4-4-4 seems to fare a lot better than 800MHz odd @ 5-5-5 though the final memory bandwidth seems to be lower in the first case.

As for motherboard, I do think the chipset makes a difference. If you go by my 3DMark scores of single card, I got about the same score as gannu got with 45nm E8400 @ 3.6GHz while mine is a 65nm E6600 @ 3.2GHz. The only major difference I can think of is that he is on X38 while I am on X48. 975X is a long way away from any of these chipset's, So if you want a mobo change, a P45 or X48 is justified depending on your budget.

As for the capabilities of HD4850, I would say its a significant upgrade over the 1900XT anyway and a single card can handle and crush any game @ 1680 x 1050 everything maxed, except the most intensive ones, GRID gives me 70FPS everything maxed, STALKER @ 1650 x 1080, every setting in advanced tab maxed, 8x AA and 16x AF still gives me avg >80FPS. Time shift again maxed with 8x AA and 16x AF gives 100FPS. These were some of the most resource intensive games I know especially with AA and AF maxed and they run butter smooth on a single HD4850.
Errrmm dont u already own a 4850??? :S

Are u looking for a CF setup??? If yes, go ahead with a P45 [Asus P5Q-E/Deluxe] + E8500 + 4Gigs RAM [2x2GB sticks; OCZ; G.Skill] + another 4850;

LoL, why do u even consider the GTX280 if u can afford a decent CF setup??? :p

BTW get a decent aftermkt CPU cooler and if possible 2 for the Gfx cards as well; 750/1150 clocks does amazingly well with a 4.3G + proccy; :D

X48 setup is a waste if u'd ask me and Lord's clearly mentioned the rest; :p

PS: Dominators come at a premium, but in India; I got my 2GB 1066MHz kit for 3.7k abroad whereas it retails for 6k odd here; Just FYI; :p
You don't need to upgrade except GPU (therfore PSU too)

I will recond:

GPU: ASUS 4870 GDDR5 1GB Overcolcked Version

PSU: CORSAIR 620HX (Will be difficult to import..so need to look in Indian Market)
Man this is so confusing! I have this stuff almost finalised :)

Asus P5Q Deluxe

E8500 do i go for the Q9450? with the 8500 I can easily clock it to 4ghz 24x7, but with the Quad prolly 3.2-3.4 would be tougher!

G.Skill 2x2 GB 1066 Mhz

Visiontek 4870 ( I know this is not needed, considering I have the 4850 already, but I a little headroom for the future doesn't hurt)

All the above stuff comes to about $800, plus will get the Tagan BZ800 from here, and a new cabby.

Do you guys think its all worth the upgrade??!!!!! Pls suggest quickly guys I am running out of time!


Edit- I have the TRU 90i, which for some reason is not working with my P5WDH, so can use that too!
lol I dint even notice the thread was here, but if you got a q6600, stick with it, dont go with a dual core, I would think q6600 even @ 3.4ghz is good enough to take you out of any bottlnecks and thats not a big overclock. Can you get to that overclock on the board? if yes ,then just get the memory and 4870! 4850 CF does beat 280 in some games, but a single card is a single card less hassle's, low heat etc. You never need to worry if its going to scale or not, at the current price point it is a great buy!
^^^ Max, you mean OC the Q6600 to 3.4Ghz with my current mobo???

Guys a BIG THANKS to MAX who is helping me sourcing my parts from Egg!!!