Graphic Cards Post your GPU overclocks.


Well the title states it all. There was a similar thread for CPUs so here is one for GPUs. Mods please sticky if considered worth ;)

Here is mine


Stock cooling, Gainward 6800 AGP from 325/700. Heard it can easily go to 400/800. Though it is unlocked to 16 x 6.
Is your Gainward unlocked??? I thought you had posted here saying that it is not possible....

Anyway I do not have a screenie at the moment but mine is 419/1171.

A BFG 6800 GT @ stock --- 370/1000. And I have oc'ed it to 419/1171.

Anyone to beat this???
Nikhil said:
Is your Gainward unlocked??? I thought you had posted here saying that it is not possible....
Yup look at the second screenshot, it reads 16x1, 6vp that is 16 pixel pipes and 6 vertex pipes. Unlocked from 12 pixel pipes and 5 vertex pipes.
Post some benchmark results.... I wanna see how much difference is there between a genuine 6800GT and an unlocked 6800.

Run 3dmark 05.
Just as we test CPU's for stability using Prime95, How about a couple of runs of 3DMark2K1/2K3/2K5 to assess stability of the overclocks as well. That would give a more concrete 3DMark score to compete against as well :)
Sure..... here you go ----

But this was with less core. Now, I am able to touch 419. And RIvatuner does not allow you to apply the changes until it has tested them. So, 419 is stable. I did run 3D MARk but didn't take a screenie.

Here is the score for 01 and 03

BTW, what is the highest 3dmark 05 score in TE?? For a 6800GT??? and overall??? I am talking abt a non-SLI system.

Darky had an SLI setup and so obviously, his would have been sky high......
Well no 3D mark with me and no patience to download, so I will wait till Digit,Chip or Skoar distributes it...

I thought this thread would be more popular, Masky, Darky c'mon guys lets see how far you have gone.

As far testing is concerned I overclock from the native nVidia control panel itself so the testing tab is there itself. Then I run D3 and Far Cry for stability.
tried 3 GPUs :

MX440 : 270/400 to 380/500 odd...dont remeber correctly...
FX5200 : 250/333 to 325/460
9600P : 398/596 to 530/660
mine is here
.....anyways it was 3dmarks 05 stable no artifacts at all ......but i forgot to take the screeny with the results window...... will take when i got my card back ......anyways this card is gr8 OCer
Would be good if you guys posted your temperatures along with overclocked speeds... I've pushed my 6800gt from 350/1000 to 410/1100MHz and load temps reached 75º C. Decided to cap core clock freqs at 400 until I get my NV Silencer, and run memory at stock freqs because increasing it doesn't help much other than generating more heat.

And don't get caught up in the benchmarking game - stress tests make sense as they help determine stability of your OC, but if you want to check performance, run a resource-intensive game like F.E.A.R.

@Nikhil - I will beat your 419/1171 as soon as I get the silencer ;) I can push my GPU to 420Mhz even now but the performance increase between 400 and 420 is not that great. My goal is to hit 450 and be stable.
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Stock speeds of the x800xl are 400/490 DDR
Im running stock now. No use for the overclock. Screenshots? Dont have any :bleh:, since running at stock now.
me also running mine @ stock ..... but i can manage 520/1380 with coolbits ..... but not tried benchmarking at those speeds i am also waiting for my nVsilencer ...... :D
The fastest I could manage on my X800XT was 565/1190. There's a screenie somewhere in the 3dmark thread. I need a zalman vf700 cu :(