Post your Professional Photo shots here [***High Bandwidth warning***]

Kiran Kumar

Guys, Most of us are into Photography. Here you can share your professional shots with our members.

1. Please post all images as thumbnails using a image hosting sites.
2. Don't post full images. It creates problems for dial-up users.
3. Include your Camera model make.
4. Also mention if you have used any image editing softwares for extra special effects other than image resizing.
5. Mention the place where the photo was shot.

So here goes some of mine.
CAMERA: Canon Powershot S3 IS.
Software: Picasa for colour and brightness corrections.
Places: Pune, India ; Hospet, Karnataka, India ; Dublin, Ohio, U.S.

Peakcock and red rose zoom shots were taken in around 10x optical zoom.

My online public Photoalbum: Picasa Web Albums - Kiran