Prevent flash from being downloaded by web user


Is there any way we can prevent web users from saving the flash file ( they see on our websites ) on their own computers?

They should only be able to run the file, interact but not be able to save it on their PCs for later use. How to do this?
^ Yeah, I know there are plenty of ways to download the file... Was looking for something related to content security as the users in my case would be novices. Anyone else?
If the browser can load it so can the user. So Its not possible.

You can try to make it hard for the user, but a smart user will simply sail through and download the file.
i have been on this since quite sometime now , and have realized , the only way is to have something as the abobe flash stream server or something like that. my company has paid flash content on the www and its really difficult to protect the files actually. load any flash content and go to ur temp folder, the .swf file will be there! however there is a /nocache switch which can be used when u are creating the flash/swf file which will prevent caching, but again there are plenty of 3rd party tools out there that do the same. not to brag here, but i was also checking various security for my company website and in the end, i just let it be. I went to this another site which had the flash file encrypted code and referenced and what not. It took a software 5 seconds, yes 5 seconds to find its existence and rip it off. I will be looking into this further today and next week. Will post back here if I find something really worthwhile.
^ I know it's nearly impossible.. People who have the know-how will be able to get the file no matter what.. Please keep me updated as to what you find. Thanks! :)