Problem installing joomla- Apche on XP - unable to access localhost


Hi folks. I am planning to a site for our college and my friend suggested that I use Joomla or Drupal for content management..

I want to develop a site using Joomla and am very new to PHP. I have problem accessing localhost, I tried installing XAMP and WAMP but in vain, it takes a long time to access cPanel® and then nothing happens..

While installing XAMP I got an error saying that port 80 and 443 are being used by other services.. I suspected IIS and tried disabling it through the control panel. But it wasn't installed too..

I badly need to see Joomla looks!! This problem with local host is preventing me from accessing loocalhost..

Please help..
If you want to try out stuff, try Home - OpenSourceCMS

probably something has screwd up you install. Remove all stuff you installed. Install XAMMP, It will kick start everything it needs. I assume you have already tried port checking tool which comes with apache install. Its possible your firewall/antispyware is stopping script execution or letting apache act as a server. I guess that should solve the problem.

Good Luck!
if you have IIS , then the service might be using up port 80. disable the whole IIS thingies. they cant run with apache anyway.
I suspected IIS and tried disabling it through the control panel. But it wasn't installed too..

Its most likely some firewall issue. Its blocking apache from serving the page, otherwise you dont need to give another try with XAMMP.