Professional help needed


Ok , i have been entrusted in getting a Site built for my upcoming college fest , and i need a professionals help . now the site has to be on the standards of IIT's MoodI site MOOD INDIGO '07

and Xavier's Malhar site Malhar '07 l The Fourth Dimension
with both flash and HTML versions. Now i would preffer if only a single guy do both the flash and teh htm parts , for consistency. Please PM me , so i can give u more details on the theme and all.


MODs , hope this is in the right section. If not , please move it to the right one. :D
^^ if you have the time i would seriously suggest that you make your way to rentacoder now and put this up there. Secure escrow means you won't lose money and there are plenty of pros who can do the job. (the only issue there is that if you do cost cutting and give it to a guy who is a tyro, and you will get plenty of offers from people who think they can code full sites after working in sw company for sometime :), you might end up wasting time. My suggestion select a coder with experience.)

Getting offers from forums is highly risky especially if they ask for upfront payments, which any half good a coder would for such projects.
ohhh....well i do have the time , but arent most of the coders non-Indians ?? coz it would have been better to get a guy who i can contact personally on phone at least in case of ne troubbles and all......also , how good are these guys ? they seem pretty professional ,but still, have you tried them ?
sorry for all these qeuries , but its my colleges funds and i have to be sure that i spend it right .
they seem pretty professional ,but still, have you tried them ?

;) i have done projects there, though not now.

Actually getting a own city coder is always advisable but then be ready for

1) he might be costlier


2) he might not be as good.

Personally i won't mind an overseas coder. As i said if you have time in hand, you won't lose anything. Some of the east European and South American coders are awesome when i was around. Make sure you get a coder with atleast 5 projects of the type you want as experience and seriously avoid those who will approach you with no experience or with experience in article writing, font searching and such arcane tasks not related to your project.

btw: if you are from delhi, then there was a coding firm based in delhi that operates there. i don't know if they do now, but if they do they will respond to your project. You can chat and converse on phone before giving the project to them.
I m in Mumbai , and i dont mind getting a overseas coder , but the theme is based on the movie Sholay , so it would be difficult of a overseas coder to visualize the theme....if he is able to , then that would be great....btw , i had thot of contacting you also , do u have ne estimate on how much would it cost to make such a site ? The ones in the same lines of Malhar and Mood-Indigo ??
hanzy said:
>> looking out for freelancing or pro paid job ?

PhOeNiX said:
pro paid.....i dont expect any1 to do so much work for free.....but the site shud be worth the money spent on it

I think what hanzy meant was, full time employee or an individual who "free lances" (works from home)

Correct me if I am wrong hanzy
PhOeNiX said:
I m in Mumbai , and i dont mind getting a overseas coder , but the theme is based on the movie Sholay , so it would be difficult of a overseas coder to visualize the theme....if he is able to , then that would be great....btw , i had thot of contacting you also , do u have ne estimate on how much would it cost to make such a site ? The ones in the same lines of Malhar and Mood-Indigo ??

Sholay theme, yes that seriously limits overseas participation.

Infact i won't go for foreign coders then. They will never understand the theme. You can still try to list your code there, you will get some coders from India. See if they have the experience(there are many other sites too). Else try looking in your city if there are some devs around.

Project cost, i cannot say as i am no expert on flash development. i have seen flash designed sites like that go for 300$ and plus though. Html is pretty basic so that should be pretty cheap.
k.......thanks for the info........another problem with rentacoder is the escrowing funds part......that requires the funds to be procured before the job is done , and in our college , all payments are done after the job is done , and preferrably by cheque and will have to see that point too....well have placed a bid there already, so lets hope i get it done in time :D