PS3 is the best buy for Christmas

Lord Nemesis

In the latest announcement from Sony Computer Entertainment, the U.S. and Canada will now be receiving the 40GB PS3 model bundled with Spiderman 3 BD for USD 399, and the 80GB for the reduced price of USD 499.

With these new changes, consumers must now know that when comparing the three consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii), the PlayStation 3 is the best buy for this X-mas. Not only is it a bang for your buck, but it also offers the best features.

This comparison will go over price, features, and upcoming games for each console. Click the image to view larger version

As you can see every PlayStation 3 comes with at least 40GB of hard drive space, crucial for game saves, downloadable content, and games requiring HDD for streaming data. Also, every PlayStation 3 comes equipped with Blu-ray disc drives and HDMI outputs to enable users to watch beautiful high definition 1080p movies.

You might say that the Xbox 360 system is also equipped with hard-drives and HDMI outputs but the problem lies in there being no HD format playback built-in. For Xbox gamers to enjoy 1080p movies they must buy an additional HD-DVD add-on at a price of USD 179. Also with the Xbox 360 bragging about its amazing online services, people forget that in order to play without Ethernet, gamers must buy a Wireless adapter for USD 99. Oh, and of course the yearly or monthly Xbox live fee ranging from USD 7.99 for one month to USD 49.99 for a year.

When you add all this up, the premium Xbox 360 (with HD-DVD player, Wireless adapter, and year of Xbox Live) could be costing buyers USD 677 (and people think the PS3 is expensive!)

Now let's talk about the Nintendo Wii. Yes, it is the cheapest console on the market, but for everyone upgrading their TV's to new 720p or 1080p HDTV's people are going to want high definition video. The max the Wii supports is 480p, and with no support for HD-DVD/Blu-ray or even plain DVD playback, the longevity of this console comes into question.

Looking ahead, for those of you wondering what the future holds, here is a quick comparison of upcoming popular titles for each console. (This is not an accurate depiction of all titles of each genre.) Click the image to view full size.

So if you are a gamer without a next gen system or are looking to buy your family a new console this holiday season, we strongly suggest the PlayStation 3. It has all the needed features (Blu-ray/DVD playback, free online service, built-in hard drive) and for the current price it's quite the steal.

Oh, and if you buy your PlayStation 3 before the end of the year, don't forget, the Blu-ray Disc Association is giving away 5 free blu-ray movies for free with purchase of specified BD players (including the PS3).
The PS3 is the best buy for Christmas :: PlayStation Universe (PSU)
btw, guy's sony has reduced prices in India. The 60 GB version is available for 30k and the 40GB one will be soon released for 25k. The games titles are also going to reduce in price. Especially the PS2 ones which will sell starting at 499/-. India > News > Gaming > Sony Trying Hard in Console Market

Anyway Sony is still in a bad way as far as PS3 is concerned. From what I have read, Sony has literally stared begging developers not to abandon it.

Takahashi: Sony begging PS3 devs to stay on-board - Joystiq

As you can see, simply having the best hardware is not always sufficient. Without software the hardware is not worth a dime and to have software, the developers must be provided with proper tools to make development easy. The problem here is mainly with the multi-platform developers. Developers can use the same tools to make a game for PC and XBOX 360, but they have to spend extra effort on the PS3. The Architecture of Cell Engine and development tools make it difficult for the developers to optimize the game for the platform and still be within reasonable limits of time-to-market. The end result will be that either the multi-platform title is not as good on the PS3 as on the other platforms or they will completely cancel the PS3 release for good. This situation will not change until Sony manages to convince a sufficient number of developers to use PS3 as the base platform or make PS3 exclusive titles.
Wow! That is pretty bad. Sony must be holding on to FF and MGS much harder than I thought.

The good news is 499Rs. PS2 titles. Absolutely amazing. Great news find, man! Heck, even 1000Rs. is an amazing price point. Finally, Sony taking some action.
kippu said:
40 gb ps3 wont play ps2 games :D

Yeah thats right, only the 60GB PS3 has the Emotion Engine chp for hardware level PS2 support and these are going to be phased out soon. Even the 80 GB version has only software emulation based support which means the support will be limited and you have to download updates for the games to work properly. The 40 GB version completely removes the PS2 support.
Rs.499 ps2 games.

it took them this long...

*sniff* ;_; *sniff*

if Sony wants to make a real move, they would cut down all PS3 games to under Rs.1500.

They even cut the price on the ps2 and psp some couple months ago. Rs.7000 retail price for the ps2.
Why not just buy a PS2 and play the cheap PS2 games :p

For someone who doesn't have any of the PCs that might be the better option. God of War/2 at 500 :D would be nice.
Yeah, ps2 has too big of a library. Games will keep coming out for the system for 2 years more easy. Just not the big hits like mgs4 and god of war 3, but you already have plenty of big hits to catch up on the system anyways (specially if you're looking to playing the same franchises on the ps3 later on)

Also, Ps3 nabs gadget of the year title, X360 best gaming gadget, and Wii "the one for ladies"

lmao : PS3: gadget of the year, Wii: one for the ladies, 360: best gaming gadget

Edit :

Oh and by the way, I would call M$ paying Rockstar 50 million $$ just so they would release exclusive download content on the box for Gta4 "begging" too.
Oh and by the way, I would call M$ paying Rockstar 50 million $$ just so they would release exclusive download content on the box for Gta4 "begging" too.

Except for the fact that MS is the one with the huge ass cash reserves. Don't see how they can be beggars then. More like cash burners.