PC Peripherals PSU Recommendation for 1440p gaming rig.


  1. What is your budget?
    • 2k -5 k I guess, cheaper the better
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - i5 i3450
    • Motherboard - GB B75m
    • GPU - ATI 7950
    • RAM - Transcend 8gb
    • Monitor - Korean 27" 1440p
    • HDD: 1 256 gb ssd, 1 1tb , 1 3tb .. ( basically plan to use all 6 sata slots)
  3. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase
  4. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Already have one such psu zebronics z600w
    • which im sure is wrecking my hds (most of them dont detect ) and have lost my ssd a couple of times to data format.
  5. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • HTPC
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
  6. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • NO, looking for peace of mind
  7. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Dota 2, GTA, Saints Row 3
  8. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. 1440p
  9. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  10. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
Talked to primeabgb today, they dont have the corsair 520, antec i s what they have for 3.7k.
im basically looking for a psu which will fit this rig ( I dont have any upgrades planned for a year or two atleast.. unless games start getting laggy).
No intention of sounding like a cheapo or anything..

Could you please suggest the appropriate model which would fit the bill for the requirements mentioned ? I saw the typical suggestions in other threads, wasnt sure, hence created this thread.
If I require a bigger/better/more expensive psu, please let me know, ill adjust my budget accordingly.

You need a minimum of a high-quality 650W unit, or a more reasonably priced 750W unit.

Seasonic X650 is my minimum recommendation for a 7950.

You could probably save a bit on the M12 750.

If Seasonic is an issue, get the Corsair TX750. It's slightly noisy, but will hold voltages fine and be able to easily operate that GPU. You could drop down to the TX650, but I wouldn't. At the rated full load power of 350W, a 650-700W unit will be optimal - PSUs operate with max efficiency at about 55-65%%.

Don't get any of the Indian brands or the Coolermaster supplies at that price point. You may need to stretch to about 8.5k for the X650, the others should be a little bit lower than that.
cool will either get the tx 650 or 750.. any primary differences apart from price and wattage ? i have no sli requirements, so im thinking the pci e power ports are enough for the 7950.
If you are absolutely sure you will never use dual cards, the 650 will be enough. It will also be possible to run say, two 760 in sli with that psu, but not higher without exceeding the psu's comfort zone. There is no difference between the 750 and 650 apart from output.

As a rule of thumb, you total power consumption with everyhting on full load should not exceed, say 70% of the psu's labelled power. This gives you some headroom for future expansion, or units that are not the best of the bunch.
If you are absolutely sure you will never use dual cards, the 650 will be enough. It will also be possible to run say, two 760 in sli with that psu, but not higher without exceeding the psu's comfort zone. There is no difference between the 750 and 650 apart from output.

As a rule of thumb, you total power consumption with everyhting on full load should not exceed, say 70% of the psu's labelled power. This gives you some headroom for future expansion, or units that are not the best of the bunch.
Mostly Seasonic PSU's are 90% efficient and so they provide about out of 650w about 600 continuous which is more than sufficient.
when a 650W PSU is rated as 90% efficient, it will provide full 650W of output by consuming 650*100/90 W i.e. 722 W of electricity.
You are thinking about it the other way round.
Then it will support SLI/CF right but it does not have enough PCIE power connectors if at all I go SLI/CF.
Then it will support SLI/CF right but it does not have enough PCIE power connectors if at all I go SLI/CF.

umm, do you have any specific query because we are going O/T here. What I mentioned above has absolutely no relevance w.r.t. SLI/CF.
which PSU are we talking about? all of the ones mentioned by cranky in this thread will have enough PCIE connectors.
which GPU do you want to SLI/CF? you can SLI/CF the lower end cards on even a decent 450W PSU depending on your total power consumption.
Just left positive feedback on my BenQ EW277HDR thread although MOD locked the thread before me giving my devout reply which is I left the feedback as he said so.