PC Peripherals PSU Trouble : Seasonic psu making a weird clicking sound

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There seems to be something wrong with my Seasonic s12ii-520 bronze model power supply.
Its about 3 years old and I recently did a routine cleaning of dust from the cabinet .
Then this weird fast clicking sound started, at first I thought it was a wire toiuching the fan issue on the CPU or GPU but its definitely the PSU.

I tried to click/press the fan(power on) to check if the ball bearings were worn out or noise would stop but it seems to be coming from inside the PSU and its static can be heard from the desktop speakers quite loudly.

Any ideas?
There seems to be something wrong with my Seasonic s12ii-520 bronze model power supply.
Its about 3 years old and I recently did a routine cleaning of dust from the cabinet .
Then this weird fast clicking sound started, at first I thought it was a wire toiuching the fan issue on the CPU or GPU but its definitely the PSU.

I tried to click/press the fan(power on) to check if the ball bearings were worn out or noise would stop but it seems to be coming from inside the PSU and its static can be heard from the desktop speakers quite loudly.

Any ideas?

Clicking sound means you need to send it RMA and check what's the problem. I heard several such complaints from Seasonic customers complaining like you say about the sound you get and it appears to be normal for Seasonic PSU's after they age some time.
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Clicking sound means you need to send it RMA and check what's the problem. I heard several such complaints from Seasonic customers complaining like you say about the sound you get and it appears to be normal for Seasonic PSU's after they age some time.

Wow that really puts things in perspective, I though seasonic psu's were highly reliable, I just called up my pc guy and he said the psu has a 5 year warranty on it, So gonna go ahead and RMA it. Thanks a lot buddy Cheers :),
Don't go by what flipkart or snap deal says. These sites copy paste wrong info lots of times. I believe seasonic gives 5 yrs warranty on their psu range.

not on every psu for eg. Eco series comes with only 3 years warranty.
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i have a seasonic s12II420W bought in sep 2012. It was working fine for about an year after which it started making a clicking sound. the sound comes after a few hours 4-12 of continous usage and goes off when i turn off the PC. if istart it soon then the clicking sound starts again. if i keep it off for a few hours the sound is gone on startup but reappears after a few hours of usage.
i then realised that something was up and took it to Tirupati centre in chandigarh. first the guy there tried his best to say that power supply is okay (without even touching it) and told me that i should go and check some other fan in the cabinet. When i insisted and told him that there is no sound when i use another PSU he finally agreed to take it.
i had bought it online from theitwares's ebay shop . he made a fuss about online purchase even though i had a signed invoice for it. i clearly stated that the sound starts after a few hours of usage. he told me that they will send it to kolkata and it will take around 10 days. with a sigh i agreed to it. after a week he calls up and says that PSU was checked and it was found ok. i said how long did you check it and he replied that they checked it for 2 hours. I said that i had reported sound starts after 4-10 hours and they should check it again. he was quick to change his stand and say that they checked it overnight and asked me to collect the PSU from their shop!!! i brough it home and the problem persists. infact now the sound appears to be faster and once the PC also shut down. I am too scared to use it,

Absolutely unprofessional behaviour from these guys. I had not expected that support for seasonic will be this horrible.

please tell me what can i do now.
Shoot a mail direct to Tirupati Kolkata office with mentioning complete saga till date. You might need to ship the PSU to Kolkata. Their A.S.S. had improved in recent past, IIRC.
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Hmm .. I thought Tirupati has improved but I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, waiting from feedback from Op's side.
Thanks bro,..I am also warned now...me too with a Seasonic M12II 850w PSU..for last 6-7 months,No problem for now,but who knows when the call comes.Never knew or doubted ever about Seasonic &Tiruputis poor standards nowdays !
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