Windows Purchase Windows 10 key or Windows Pro 11 key

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There is a seller on TE, what should i purchase
Windows 10 pro key for 450
or Windows 11 pro key for 1500 ?

Few question, can i use this lifetime or only once ?

Will it expire in near future ?
How many pcs i can use this key on.
I have office 365 lincensce for 1 year shall this create any issues ?
Are this keys legit ?
Can i upgrade to win 11 pro for free if purchasing Windows 10 pro key ?
Will this create issue once i reinstall the os and use the keys again ?
Why not ask all these to the seller?

It depends on key type like enterprise can be used on multiple (few pcs but you never know when it will get blocked) I'm using it on 3 pcs since 6yrs no issues yet).
Office license is separate so not to worry.
WIn11 is free from any Win 10.
No issues if on same pc.
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