Puyo Puyo Game (Clone) made by me.

Lord Nemesis

Since quite a few people are posting some games that they have made, I am posting one of mine. :p

This is a Puyo Puyo (a Tetris like game) clone and was coded in Java (a language that I do not like very much and as such do not use usually) and was completed with about 6~8 hours of coding effort.

It was an assignment submitted to Gameloft as part of their recruitment process and was well received by the lead game developer who reviewed it (although I did not make it through to Gameloft after the salary negotiations broke up :ashamed:) This was 5 years back.

The attached zip consists of the main jar file and a res folder. Just execute the jar file by double clicking. You will need to have the Java run times to run it. Also the res folder needs to be present parallel to the jar file. do not delete it. This should run on Windows as well as Linux and Mac OS. I had checked it on Windows and Mac OS although for running on Mac OS, I had to wrap it in a dummy bundle.

Please do note that there may be a occasional bug left out as a lot of effort was not spent on it.


  • Puyo-Puyo.zip
    223.4 KB · Views: 249
I tried dragging and dropping the jar into IE, its opens like an archive and shows me the files within it? Does this mean I don't have the Java Runtimes installed? How do I run this? :(
Extract the zip and go to the directory in console, then run "java -jar Puyo.jar" and it runs :) assuming you have JDK or JRE installed and setup/configured of course! (i ran it on linux giving the current dir as path like "java -jar ./Puyo.jar")

@Lord: nifty little game... one suggestion... the movement of the blocks is, well, blocky! hehehehe (pun intended)... so can you modify the downward movement to be smooth (with double-buffering maybe)... so it moves down pixel-by-pixel rather than step by step?

Then I'll test it out again if you update it :D i didnt play much just watched the things tumble and move left/right/rotate etc.

edit: screenshot:


  • puyopuyo.jpg
    29.7 KB · Views: 140