Python - smtplib



I'm trying to use the SMTP protocol via python to make a program so that I can mail every student his own marks only (I'll use an excel file to store marks, and I can't send the entire excel sheet because of privacy reason.. plus this gives me something to productively kill time with while learning someting.. :D)

Anyway.. I'm hitting the following error (I typed this in Windows, IDLE, python 2.6.2)

>>> from smtplib import *

>>> s = SMTP('localhost',25)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>

    s = SMTP('localhost',25)

  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 239, in __init__

    (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)

  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 295, in connect

    self.sock = self._get_socket(host, port, self.timeout)

  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 273, in _get_socket

    return socket.create_connection((port, host), timeout)

  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 512, in create_connection

    raise error, msg

error: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I checked the python sites for this, namely : 10. Brief Tour of the Standard Library &mdash; Python v2.6.4 documentation

It says that : " (Note that the second example needs a mailserver running on localhost.)" Where the second example is essentially starting with the code I've given above.

How do I "Run a mailserver on localhost" ?? Trying out net connectivity from programs for the first time.. :huh:

I googled it, it gave some VERY weird solutions, except one that said use the Internet Information Services (IISadmin) :huh::huh::huh:

No idea how to open this, though...

Just get a free smtp server, start the server on port 25. You wont get the error once the mail server is started.
Suggestion, read more about SMTP. Setting up a mail server that works fine in a real world is quite complicated and involved dns settings and so on.

Hence would suggest that you stick to using google's server, for starter:

In addition, generate a mail body using:

ralbhat said:
I'm trying to use the SMTP protocol via python to make a program so that I can mail every student his own marks only (I'll use an excel file to store marks, and I can't send the entire excel sheet because of privacy reason.. plus this gives me something to productively kill time with while learning someting.. :D)
Anyway.. I'm hitting the following error (I typed this in Windows, IDLE, python 2.6.2)

>>> from smtplib import *
>>> s = SMTP('localhost',25)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
    s = SMTP('localhost',25)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 239, in __init__
    (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 295, in connect
    self.sock = self._get_socket(host, port, self.timeout)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 273, in _get_socket
    return socket.create_connection((port, host), timeout)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 512, in create_connection
    raise error, msg
error: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I checked the python sites for this, namely : 10. Brief Tour of the Standard Library &mdash; Python v2.6.4 documentation
It says that : " (Note that the second example needs a mailserver running on localhost.)" Where the second example is essentially starting with the code I've given above.

How do I "Run a mailserver on localhost" ?? Trying out net connectivity from programs for the first time.. :huh:
I googled it, it gave some VERY weird solutions, except one that said use the Internet Information Services (IISadmin) :huh::huh::huh:
No idea how to open this, though...
Awesome guide by Sam Howard.. Thanks!
I'll contact my tech admin to find out which smtp server to connect to for our college mail..
ralbhat said:
Awesome guide by Sam Howard.. Thanks!
I'll contact my tech admin to find out which smtp server to connect to for our college mail..

Yeah, if thats too much headache you can always use gmail with reply to set to your college's email address.

Unless you want to code, .. for very simple things you can also use a utility called Blat (google for it). It's a command-line SMTP mailer. You just need to point it to an SMTP server and provide data as a command line switch to it.