[Q] Regarding RC Helicopters

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Yup I Singapore... The heli you choose would be a very good choice for a first heli as I plan to get it myself. But it comes with a radio which can be a restricted item...

Its a CP heli but its small so most you can do is damage something in your house or get a scratch... Should be safe for first time flyer...

If you friend is coming ask him to get the http://radiocontrol-sports.com/msr-x-rtf.html which you choose... The HK FBL100 is a clone of the blade so a better product in a way. Comes with a radio if its RTF

Few terms to know

RTF - Ready to fly (comes with everything you need including batteries, radio and chargers)
ATF - Almost ready to fly (mostly missing, radio, servos, gyro, motor)
BNF - Bind and fly (Need radio transmitter which is compatible)
Kit - You have assemble it yourself... Comes with just the frame and gears straucture

Singa hobby is kind of expensive as they mostly keep pro kits

another website to consider - http://shop.rotor.com.sg/ I am going tomorrow to pick up a kit .,... look out in the show off section:p
Msrx is actually a fp helo but without the stabilizer bar right? So it behaves like a cp helo.

What is your review on 120sr?
Msrx is actually a fp helo but without the stabilizer bar right? So it behaves like a cp helo.

What is your review on 120sr?

Sorry I am no expert and do not own this heli to give you a review.. I cant buy it as I dont have a DSM transmitter... But it seems like a good option as its flybarless so less parts which can break and flybarless is supposedly more stable.
Adding more --

The 'mixing flybar' is the jargon for that stabilizer. Did some readup. Seems that the flybar is what makes ur heli hover at the spot in case u let go of the control sticks. Whilst in a cp or a flybarless desigs, the heli keeps going in the direction u let it go, even after you've let go of the stick. So ideally, according to the material I read --

Heli with flybar - good for beginners, very annoying for pros because of the pendulum stabilization effect.
Heli without flybar -- good if you're transitioning from fp to cp.

Adding more --

The 'mixing flybar' is the jargon for that stabilizer. Did some readup. Seems that the flybar is what makes ur heli hover at the spot in case u let go of the control sticks. Whilst in a cp or a flybarless desigs, the heli keeps going in the direction u let it go, even after you've let go of the stick. So ideally, according to the material I read --

Heli with flybar - good for beginners, very annoying for pros because of the pendulum stabilization effect.
Heli without flybar -- good if you're transitioning from fp to cp.

Flybar helis is old technology. All the newer RC helicopters are now flybarless (FBL). The FBL unit in a FBl helicopter allows it to be flown without a flybar.
I would advise you to go for a Fixed Pitch helicopter as it is a good starting point. Once you can fly a FP heli - you will be able to use this skill on a CP heli.
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blade 120SR is a nice heli. I dont think you will get spares for it in India.
I would not advise spending for any upgrades - use it stock
also do not stock up on too many spares
use it for learning and then upgrade to a bigger/better model like ALIGN 450 ;)

Hmm yes, But the way I'm crashing it around, sooner or later I fear that one of the rotor blades is gonna break. Just want those spares
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