CPU/Mobo Q6600 or E6850?!

dude if you really wana game then pick up a dual core cuz a quad will not give u that boost

basically a quad core i used for 3d rendering and compositing cuz i use a quad for my 3d applications. other than that a dual core is more than enuf for gaming even though they fall under the same price range a dual core for Gaming and Quad for 3d applications.

its all up to u in the end.
shikari12 said:
Which will be better?!

Intel core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz 1066 FSB

Intel Core 2 duo E 6850 3.o GHz 1333 FSB

Post ur reqmts as well...

If its gaming, then get the 6850...

Else if u're into audio-video renderin, lots of decodin, 3d renderin n blah, get the quad..
assuming you want it to game and if you are into overclocking get the quad with G0 stepping,they easily clock to 3ghz and higher with a good mobo.