recomendations needed for data storage n backup


Hey guys,

my office has 7 comps, they are connected with 10 MBps ethernet connections.

Now, all my data is spread across the comps.....not the

Now, i am planning to have one comp act as a file server....

I just need about 250GB of space...

So, planning to set up RAID 1 with 2x250gb HDDs...

is this the best way to have my data safe and managable....

or are there other options...??

also...what PC config will i need to act in the above mentioned way???
i wud suggest for making ur data safe over the net use high level encrytion...

this will secure it a lot from hackers..

generally the US military has 1200Kb encryption. i ave 900Kb data encryption. u can do encrpytion by many softwares. Ths is the best way to prevent from getting traced by a hacker or an website.