Recycling my old gadgets.....

Just a few days back I decided to make a list of things in my house which I no longer need or work anymore. Some of the old clothes were given to relatives[toddler stuff] and all the other wearable materials were given away to a local orphanage in my city. But, looking at my now dysfunctional 90's CRT monitor and CPU of around the same age, as well as a 5 year old HP Inkjet printer and a LG DVD player,all of which no longer work, I was left scratching my head on how to dispose them off in a proper way. If the parts or other components of the aforementioned electronic devices can be re-used, then I will be more than happy to contribute to that cause.

In layman words, I' am looking for a 'electronic kabadiwala' or a reputed recycling plant for electronic items where I can safely 'dump' my gadgets. If I earn some cash in the process ,well that would be outstanding,but that is not my main purpose. The most important thing is to make sure my gadgets get the proper send off they deserve after a long and thankless life ;)
You might consider this TE Giveaway thread

There could be someone who might use its spare parts...

Thank you for your suggestion,but I want to make sure this shit gets recycled as much as it is possible.I' am trying to find a scrapyard or something,but I guess our country still does not realize the importance of proper electronic waste disposal. Most people I see today just give it away it away to their local 'kabadiwala' or just throw it in the nearest dumping ground that they can find, both of which I consider as grievous malpractices. I have already contacted HP's recycling department via email to relieve me of my old printer,I guess I can expect a reply from them in 3-4 days. While I was googling on this issue,I came upon Xiaomi's Take Back and Recycling initiative in India. From what I have read, it seems that they recycle all kinds of electronic gadgets irrespective of their brands,you can opt for their guys to come to your desired location to take your stuff or you can just do it yourself in any of their drop-off points.It seems you get monetary benefits which you can avail on their Mi website,which is an extra bonus point for people like me.I guess if I do not get any other suggestions,I might just opt for this. Here is the link :-
There should be e-waste collection centers in your city. Just Google for them. I found them for my city, but I have yet to go to them. I also have old electronic waste to get rid of, like DVD-R, floppy drives, etc. I only found their address a few days ago... I will go when I have the time.
There should be e-waste collection centers in your city. Just Google for them. I found them for my city, but I have yet to go to them. I also have old electronic waste to get rid of, like DVD-R, floppy drives, etc. I only found their address a few days ago... I will go when I have the time.

My college friend just texted me about a e-waste management initiative in my city known as 'ecoreco' . Looks like a dedicated organization to me with top-notch recycling technology borrowed from Japan and elsewhere. Ecoreco claims to achieve '100% digital data destruction / sanitization (including onsite data destruction using India’s first mobile shredding facility) to completely securitise clients' as well as 'Transparent and accurate reporting to clients along with issue of certificate of secure data destruction and certificate of e-waste recycling',which sounds awesome to me :p .It's shareholders include BCCL[Times of India group] and NIPPON magnetic Japan and it is India's only listed company on the Bombay stock exchange[BSE] in the e-waste management category[They have also won many awards for their aforementioned noble contributions towards making a greener earth]. Well,this sounds like a hell of a e-waste management organization which I have to admit I knew nothing about whatsoever,until now. I have contacted them via e-mail,let us see what happens,and yeah this is the link of their official website :-
Good find. It looks impressive. However, I cannot find any location of their centers in other cities besides Mumbai. Do they have centers in other cities?

However, the e-waste collection centers I was talking about, were approved by Govt. of India. Still, the one you found is great too. Would be interested to know their response to you.
Good find. It looks impressive. However, I cannot find any location of their centers in other cities besides Mumbai. Do they have centers in other cities?

However, the e-waste collection centers I was talking about, were approved by Govt. of India. Still, the one you found is great too. Would be interested to know their response to you.

They have not replied yet,will notify here when they revert back to me. Yes,it seems like they only have their recycling centres in mumbai. Let us hope that they get the positive reception which they deserve which will help them expand into the remotest parts of our country.
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