Android Redmi 1s problematic after opening few apps simultaneously



I have been using Redmi 1s for a week. It gets crappy after a few apps are opened simultaneously. I have been searching on the net and have read that it is the MIUI causing problems. But I could not find any custom roms to replace the MIUI.

Has anybody come across a similar problem? any solutions/suggestions?

Request help on this.
First up, try to upgrade to the latest stable official firmware from Xiaomi.
My phone was shipped with version 36, which was considered to be the most buggy. However, only problem I faced was higher than normal heating.
Free RAM was not an issue but that is also partly because I am not a heavy user per se.

But since updating to the v43, heating problems have reduced (not gone mind you) and free RAM available has increased quite a bit.
First up, try to upgrade to the latest stable official firmware from Xiaomi.
My phone was shipped with version 36, which was considered to be the most buggy. However, only problem I faced was higher than normal heating.
Free RAM was not an issue but that is also partly because I am not a heavy user per se.

But since updating to the v43, heating problems have reduced (not gone mind you) and free RAM available has increased quite a bit.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will try with the upgrade.