Reduction in monthly service charges for TriB unlimited Broadband Plan

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[B][U][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Launch of new “TriB  Combo Unlimited†Broadband Plan[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B]


[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Name of    Plan                                                   - â€TriB Combo    Unlimitedâ€[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]   Speed                                                            - 256 kbps[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Registration and activation    charges                     -  Rs. 500/-.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Security deposit for PSTN    connection                     -  As applicable.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Modem security deposit(non-refundable)                 - Rs. 500/- for types I & III and [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]     [COLOR=#000000]   Rs. 800/- for  types II & IV.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [COLOR=#000000]   [FONT=Verdana]   [SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The monthly    charges                                          - Rs. 899/- pm.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]   

[*]      [COLOR=#000000]   [FONT=Verdana]   [SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The modem    service charges will be extra as applicable depending upon the type of modem.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]   

[*]      [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000]Free    calls                                                          - 100[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]   

[*]      [COLOR=#000000]   [FONT=Verdana]   [SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The call    charges                                                - Rs. 1/- per pulse.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] 

[/LIST] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Other terms and  conditions will remain same as applicable in landline & broadband plans.[/SIZE][/FONT]

  [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] 1.The scheme shall be launched from 1st  January, 08.  [/SIZE][/FONT]

  [FONT=Verdana] [SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]2.New Year  Bonanza initial one time registration  and activation charges [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Rs. 500/- are waived off for one month from   1.1.2008 to 31.1.2008 in this plan for new booking.[/SIZE][/FONT]

 [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT]



  [B][U][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Reduction in monthly service charges for TriB unlimited Broadband  Plan[/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B]


 [B][U] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]It  has been decided to reduce monthly service charges for TriB unlimited broadband  Plan from existing Rs. 949/- to Rs. 799/- per month.  For new booking in this  plan, initial one time BB Registration  &  testing and activation charges  amounting Rs. 800/- are waived off for one month from 1.1.2008 to 31.1.2008 as   ‘[B]New Year Bonanza’[/B].  The modem security shall be charged as per existing  practice.  Rest all other terms and conditions will remain the same.  



Source: Launch of new

This was in today's newspaper too.

My assessment:

An interesting proposition for recruiting new users. this wud probably encourage new users.

:@No new 1/2/4 Mbps plans.

Those on TriB 749NU got a raw deal. They don't want us NU users it seems.

Probably they are going to phase out the NU plan.

However, if you can bear the hassle and/or risk, the NU plan still offers more value for money as you can download more in one night than the whole day on the unlimited plan. And its probably not a good idea to keep your router on 24x7 (No doubt I wud leech 24x7 I got 2Mbps unlimited :P) due to overheating.:cool2:

Plus, free registration and installation (I shelled out Rs.800 last month when I switched :@).

But beware, the waiting lists are bound to increase by leaps and bounds. So atleast expect a 2 months waiting time ( I got my connection after a whole month)

^^^unfortunately nothin for the mumbai counterpart...:(
they dont even frickin provide us with an unlimited plan :@
btw the mtnl triband site is up n runnin...Triband Mumbai
ohh yea...the usage site is usual...:(
thanks for the info dude but would like to confrim that whether this scheme also applies on existing users of unlimited Broadband 949 plan...?
tusharrastogi said:
thanks for the info dude but would like to confrim that whether this scheme also applies on existing users of unlimited Broadband 949 plan...?
yes, offcourse it'll apply for all existing as well as new users...

ashthedivx said:
This scheme is very well available in Delhi.
check out Bharat on line

this scheme is only available in such scheme for us mumbai ppl...:@
we ppl even pay 100bucks more for night-unlimited plan than the delhi ppl...:(
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