Return of tees maar khan !! Optimus prime back in action :p

HEHEHEH .. i was off from TE for so long nuthing good out these days. Hardware was just getting bring untill some new lines up in gfx card . Hence decided to buy these radeon 6970 :) . Didnt want to buy GTX 580 as 2 of them in sli wud have to spend like 56k lol wayyy tooo expp but these Radeon 6970 :) got it a much more cheaper rate almost saved 18k and its worth it for the amount of money saved and spent on them .
So as of now in upgrade lines are these twins dragons . Havent been posting anything on show off as just bored of it and just not getting time but finally decided to post these . Thank so Toolius for recommending them to me :) u rock bro !!!! please enjoy the pictures :) ..

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Awesome. But I think you could have saved some cash by getting 2x 6950s and flashing them to 6970s.
Congrats Ankit!

PS: Please give the A5s some respect dude! You are hiding them behind that monster of a case! :)

hellgate said:
Awesome purchase bro.... Congrats..... Some benches would be great.....
Lol by the time he'd get time to do any benching he'd be posting his next show-off.

For all show off buggers, go get a better cam now please! These pics of the hardware beauties that you guys take look like those on v0y3ur sites!
hehehe thankx a lot :) sarang seriousllyy i have HS10 but dotn know how to click photos...neeed to learn that first.... :D benchies coming up sooon..
congrats buddy, but i think you should have bought 6950 and you could have unlocked those cards to 6970 ;)
Anyway congrats