RMA'd an Asus 5870 1GB and got an Asus 6970 2GB Direct CU II :)

Thanks Gannu :)

Yup its from Rashi Peripherals, the one on MG Road in Pune.

Wondering if I should write a review, but I wouldn't know where to begin. Never written one before.
^I don't think it is fair on us to do that ;) mjumrani's case seems to be a valid one. IMO, Lets not promote ideas like this :)

@OP, congrats mate. Enjoy. :clap:
@op you lucky son of a gun...I wish more people have luck like yours while RMAing from rashi. Mostly it has been horror stories involving rashi & RMA.

OT if you plan to write that review, you can take a few pointers from the review I have posted for the HD 6950 on TE ;)
ISHROCZ_14 said:
Awesome :D me 2 thinking of putting my 5850 for rma .. and hope for more hahaha :)
chiragsthakur said:
I will wait for 7xxx series from AMD, then I will plan to RMA my 6850 :)

I hope you guys are'nt serious.

I hate it when people RMA for invalid reasons, and then they rant that companies have the worst A.S.S. in India, when compared to other countries.

Come on guys, our greed spoiled Seagate's excellent hand-to-hand RMA service, we want to do this to every supportive brand in India?

Not pointing at mjumrani, his reason was valid and delay was long, so Rashi was justified as he purchased a 5870 in the past at the price of today's 6970.
mjumrani said:
Wondering if I should write a review, but I wouldn't know where to begin. Never written one before.

You could start. Put it in the drafts section, and we can help you out. :)

Start with the un boxing and a brief about the accelerator, you can summarize from the net+your knowledge of GPUs. Probably then you can take detailed pictures of the unit, highlighting the cooler and back plate PCB and what all are the power requirements. Also you can show what all was received in the bundle. Post that you can show some images of it installed and run some benchmarks. Unigine for Synthetic and some games. Since it is in-house run the games you have installed or install if you can. Use FRAPS for FPS counters and use GPU-Z to record thermals. Graph it in MS-Excel, make images, and post away. It is fun, but time consuming. Mention the system you used and the settings.


Let us know..!
^ Wow!!! That's a lot of work for a very lazy guy.

But will definitely give it a shot soon.

3DMark Vantage is giving a score of 14949. I do not know how good or bad it is...
Why do you want to get serious on each comment? Thanks but i am never serious on show off threads bro... :p

And for your info, I am satisfied with my 6850, I never need to RMA anything other than one HDD... :)

sato1986 said:
I hope you guys are'nt serious.

I hate it when people RMA for invalid reasons, and then they rant that companies have the worst A.S.S. in India, when compared to other countries.

Come on guys, our greed spoiled Seagate's excellent hand-to-hand RMA service, we want to do this to every supportive brand in India?

Not pointing at mjumrani, his reason was valid and delay was long, so Rashi was justified as he purchased a 5870 in the past at the price of today's 6970.
dude chill i was just kidding + i cant stay wihout my pc for SUCH long time :D without the card
sato1986 said:
I hope you guys are'nt serious.
I hate it when people RMA for invalid reasons, and then they rant that companies have the worst A.S.S. in India, when compared to other countries.
Come on guys, our greed spoiled Seagate's excellent hand-to-hand RMA service, we want to do this to every supportive brand in India?

Not pointing at mjumrani, his reason was valid and delay was long, so Rashi was justified as he purchased a 5870 in the past at the price of today's 6970.
@ whoever reads this thread : Whatever said by me regarding RMA was just a plain comment, wasnt serious at all.. So as pointed out by saiyan and sato, its perfect that we shouldnt RMA anything to get something new in return