Rollover scripts


Here's a scrpit for T.E users...use this script in ur blogs or websites if u want to

enlarge a image when rolled over.

This solution uses absolute positioning of the rollover image because absolute positioning places the element outside of the usual formatting rules, and so won't screw up your table design.

Make sure your table is fixed (so no surprises if browser window changes size)

Give your initial image an id, e.g.

Anywhere inside the body create a hidden image with absolute positioning, e.g.

<DIV ID="image2" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">

On the initial image onmouseover event, point to a JS routine to reposition the hidden, enlarged image to the exact same position as the initial image and then show the enlarged image. On the onmouseout or onblur event of the rollover image, hide the rollover image....

Complete, working example with cross-browser functionality is shown below.



<title>Rollover Example</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<script LANGUAGE="javascript">


// Global variables

var isCSS, isW3C, isIE4, isNN4, isIE6CSS;

// Initialize upon load to let all browsers establish content objects

function initDHTMLAPI() {

if (document.images) {

isCSS = (document.body && ? true : false;

isW3C = (isCSS && document.getElementById) ? true : false;

isIE4 = (isCSS && document.all) ? true : false;

isNN4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;

isIE6CSS = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) ? true : false;



// Seek nested NN4 layer from string name

function seekLayer(doc, name) {

var theObj;

for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) {

if ( == name) {

theObj = doc.layers;



// dive into nested layers if necessary

if (doc.layers.document.layers.length > 0) {

theObj = seekLayer(document.layers.document, name);



return theObj;


// Convert object name string or object reference

// into a valid element object reference

function getRawObject(obj) {

var theObj;

if (typeof obj == "string") {

if (isW3C) {

theObj = document.getElementById(obj);

} else if (isIE4) {

theObj = document.all(obj);

} else if (isNN4) {

theObj = seekLayer(document, obj);


} else {

// pass through object reference

theObj = obj;


return theObj;


// Convert object name string or object reference

// into a valid style (or NN4 layer) reference

function getObject(obj) {

var theObj = getRawObject(obj);

if (theObj && isCSS) {

theObj =;


return theObj;


// Position an object at a specific pixel coordinate

function shiftTo(obj, x, y) {

var theObj = getObject(obj);

if (theObj) {

if (isCSS) {

// equalize incorrect numeric value type

var units = (typeof theObj.left == "string") ? "px" : 0;

theObj.left = x + units; = y + units;

} else if (isNN4) {





// read position of an element in regular document flow

function getElementPosition(elemID) {

var offsetTrail = document.getElementById(elemID);

var offsetLeft = 0;

var offsetTop = 0;

while (offsetTrail) {

offsetLeft += offsetTrail.offsetLeft;

offsetTop += offsetTrail.offsetTop;

offsetTrail = offsetTrail.offsetParent;


if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1 &&

typeof document.body.leftMargin != "undefined") {

offsetLeft += document.body.leftMargin;

offsetTop += document.body.topMargin;


return {left:eek:ffsetLeft, top:eek:ffsetTop};


// Set the visibility of an object to visible

function show(obj) {

var theObj = getObject(obj);

if (theObj) {

theObj.visibility = "visible";



// Set the visibility of an object to hidden

function hide(obj) {

var theObj = getObject(obj);

if (theObj) {

theObj.visibility = "hidden";



//Show the rollover image

function ShowRollover()


var position = getElementPosition("image1");

// alert("X:"+x+" Y:"+y);

shiftTo("rollover", position.left,;






<BODY BACKGROUND="layout_img/backmain.gif" onload="initDHTMLAPI()">


<TABLE WIDTH="600" border="1">


<TD WIDTH="200">CELL 1</TD>

<TD WIDTH="200">

<TD WIDTH="200">CELL 3</TD>




<DIV ID="rollover" STYLE="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">



