WTB RTX 3090 with 1000W PSU for Productivity and Gaming workloads


Want to buy a RTX 3090 or atleast 3080 Ti for gaming and rendering and other productivity workloads. I also need a suitable PSU to power this card as currently I'm using a 2070 with only a 550W PSU.
Both GPU and PSU have been delivered yesterday evening, have still not unpacked them yet. Will unbox, install and test and will update here.
UPDATE: GPU is working great and was in great condition when I received it. PSU though has one of the PCI-EX port not working. It has 8 Ports for the same so I anyway don't need these many. @powervgx however is helping me to get this RMAed. If for some reason RMA don't go through he has agreed on replacing the same.

EDIT: Feedback left, @powervgx please do leave feedback from your side as well.
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