Monitors Samsung 17" LCD Display Distortions


drinks like a fish
I have recently been noticing distortions in my old Samsung 17" 740N LCD Monitor.



Is this color bleed?
Also there is lot of shuttering and some weird likes keep coming.

When I jiggle the Display cable at both ends, it goes for a while but appears again later.

I'm confused, should i send it for replacement/service?
Its under Warranty though, bought it in Oct 06.
it looks like your cables either faulty, or theres some magnetic disturbance to the cable causing the effect. Either way, your warranty should still be valid, so just call up samsung and they'll send someone over to help you out.
Just cross check if you have placed speakers with lcd, if yes change the placement of speakers. Otherwise, get in touch with samsung people in your area they'll help it to get fixed for you.