Monitors Samsung 740N LCD Monitor - long POST


I have had a some problems with my Samsung 740N monitor....

First..... When I got it I did not notice immediately the White patch on its screen.... a picture....

I always thought that the patch was a reflection from the rooms light. It was only when I was watching a movie one night I realised that this was a defect. I looked around the forums for an answer to this and got one which was to lightly press the patch with a soft clean cloth and spread the patch outwards - this really helped reduce the patch by about 75% !!

Second..... Since the last month or so I found that every time I had some Windows open in XP (including the browser) and these were stationary for over an hour and after that when I closed the window then there were White lines left behind on the screen - these were from the white borders and white text from the programs which had been opened - these really looked horribly like scratch marks on the screen - really scared me at first .... I still dont know what causes these ghost images of the windows to remain on the screen after only one hour.... a picture .... not of my screen but taken from another person with the exact same problem .....

I got this picture from this page ... » LCD ghost remedy

... and on this page I found a way to get rid of the white lines too .... simple...

1) Create a 1200 x 1600 100% white .gif to use as a screen saver. (In windows you can add it to “My Pictures Slideshow”).

2) Set that to run after 2 minutes of non-use.

3) Set the monitor to power off in a short amount of non-use. Say 15 minutes
This above method removed the lines everytime ....
Yesterday I contacted Samsung via their Samsung Online Call Registration System and mentioned these 2 problems - Samsung today sent an engineer promptly on time - as always - and this guy had brought with him a brand new LCD Panel which he swapped and when we switched it on we saw this...... 5 Black marks ....

AAAAARGH !!!! some body had pressed the Panel hard with his fingers and has left the impression of his fingers on the panel !!! The Samsung engineer says that these BLACK marks should go away in 2 days use of the monitor otherwise he will replace it..... LETS SEE ....

Thank GOD - The second LCD Panel does not show the white lines problem and it does not have a White patch.

One thing I must mention is that the second LCD Panel is MUCH better then the first one - the brightness of the screen and its sharpness is better at the same settings

SAMSUNG's Digital World - Online Call Logging

FYI .... you need Java installed to make entries in this Samsung page....
eeks those pics look horrible ......good that u got a replacement ...though its a bad replacement that u got ...still if those black marks dont go away within 2-3 days then u shud get it replaced again.
Nice to have the monitor working properly again,heh ? BTW welcome back Eazy,you were absent for a long time,we all missed you.
Man that sucks... btw where'd u buy this one from? After switchy bhai suggested this one was gonna go for it, until I saw the 940bw. Glad those spots cleared up in time!!
vandal said:
Man that sucks... btw where'd u buy this one from?

Prime.... and Gulbir saw the problem at my place.

@Darklord .... I hope the black spots are going permanently and I do not see them back on the screen tomorrow morning :)

and.... I bought this monitor for the FREE Laser Printer .... which by the way sux big time .... if I dont use it for around 10 days then it does not print till I shake the toner and when I remove the toner to shake it then it is a major hassle to put it in the printer again..... GRRRR .... so now I pick up the full darn printer and shake it around.... should get some machine which will shake your printer at the press of a button. Ask samsung if they sell any printers with attached vibrators ;)
zhopudey said:
Ask samsung if they sell any printers with attached vibrators

OH YES there is such a button - it is called the <PRINT> button ... I have my printer resting on 4 35mm Film cans and when it prints it really SHAKES RATTLES AND PRINTS ... I have placed these film cans to raise the printer off the table as I have my slim Canon scanner shoved under the printer and paper storage ka dabba and this makes the Print vibrate quite a bit whilst it prints - but not enough to spread the toner .... Real Estate is very expensive in Churchgate so our houses are small and we keep stuff one on top of another :D

zhopudey said: should get some machine which will shake your printer at the press of a button. Ask samsung if they sell any printers with attached vibrators ;)

OT -> That brings to mind my hobby days years ago when I used to etch Copper Clad Laminate with Ferric Chloride. It needed to be shaken for better and quicker etching. I used to tie the vessel by a cord to a oscillating table fan. Really worked well.
