Samsung Galaxy Nexus Query


Hi Guys,

My Friend recently purchased Samsung Galaxy Nexus :) and boy was I blown away by the pure Google Device Experience! My Initial Handling for 1 Hour confirmed me that it is one of its kind! Super, Sturdy and Unique Build Quality, Awesome Screen Size around 22k, JB Update ready, etc so many Pros with Little Cons of Battery Backup, No FM, No Expandable Memory. Now I shared my Excitement with my Sis:lemmings: and after seeing it she wants one in white:torn:!

Now Please all users share your experience with this phone and also tell me what exactly are do's and dont's or if some one can share a buying guide of what to look out for if I get this as it's not officially available here. Also please let me know where can I get it in Delhi / NCR plus How good is the servo warranty that is available with it? AFAIK, it has sort of limited hardware warranty and software warranty but to me it's ok as compared to nothing officially. Now please people help me with this Dilemma and guide me of how to buy it as one thing is very clear that it is well worth the price! I know new nexus device will be around but considering Samsung and other manufacturer's ways I don't think any Pure Google Up to date Smartphone would be available in the near future as no one would look for any other device if a NEXUS is launched right? Please help TE Mates!:hail:
I don't understand one simple thing
Why are you guys making so many threads for simple/Silly questions on GNex ??
Start using the search function maybe ??
There is no Buying GNex 101 guide as such
Here are a couple threads which will help you decide :

Congrats on your purchase meet6600. Me too might join the nexus wagon after learning so much about it.
He hasn't purchased it yet,his friend did :p
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@YashBhatt Sorry for my Silly Question and Yeah I should better use search Function Thanks for reminding. Thanks for the links and I would better do some Search some Posts rather than making such SILLY Queries!

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Please delete this silly thread Moderators A Kind Request! :)
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