Samsung Galaxy S facing reception issues?


In the showroom, Airtel was giving 25asu signal strength on Galaxy S in in a place which was closed on all 4 sides by thick walls. it dropped to 17 when i put a grip at the bottom.

This guys phone has only 16asu signal to begin with which is actually not that good. Antenna is in bottom part, and might be little defective on his model.

Take an example of Desire here.

Same design, antenna is in the bottom half. In the silicon case, it gives around 23asu signal strength in my home. Drops to 18 when bottom is covered. Not much difference if you cover upper half.

Those who have the Galaxy S can do simple test and post here.
will test it on my phone tomorrow... but I won't be surprised if there is a loss of signal. As Anand explained in his Iphone 4 review, all cellphones lose signals when they are cupped
Shripad said:
Take an example of Desire here.
Same design, antenna is in the bottom half. In the silicon case, it gives around 23asu signal strength in my home. Drops to 18 when bottom is covered. Not much difference if you cover upper half.

Desire?? Or did you mean the legend? I am aware the Legend has the antenna in the lower part... is the case same with the desire??

OT: I am wondering why the antenna is placed in the bottom in many recent mobile, where the user will mostly be holding (cupping) it. Placing it near the top or the middle sounds logical for better reception during call. But may be the do due to space constraints... god knows..
Its same with Desire.

Cupping does not affect the reception much to be honest on these mobile phones.

The antenna is placed where it can have maximum area. On the upper side, there is a camera lens, proximity sensor, earphone, light sensor, 3.5mm jack connection. So lots of space is already taken. And this is slim model. Thats the reason its at bottom.
Tried to replicate the connection issue my Galaxy but failed. Still it's true that cupping the handset leads to drop in signal strength. I mostly lost a bar or two in areas where the network was already poor. But never four bars
vortex_mak said:
I read somewhere that FCC regulations require the antenna to be placed at the maximum distance from the persons head.
Yep thats true the latest FCC regulations are now forcing manufacturers to place antennas at bottom to keep it as far away from brain as possible. Though I dont know how a couple of inches difference will make any difference.
Its either he's got a weak signal or its the polish cousin of Steve Jobs! Have been using the phone quite a bit, lots n lots of calls, never been affected by that so call "problem". And I keep switching the way I hold the phone when speaking for long hours. No problemo!
Some people just try TOO hard to recreate a problem. If holding the phone naturally causes a drop in signal, its justified. But trying to hold it in a particular way just to demonstrate that there might be an issue - not so smart.
sathyanaidu said:
Its either he's got a weak signal or its the polish cousin of Steve Jobs! Have been using the phone quite a bit, lots n lots of calls, never been affected by that so call "problem". And I keep switching the way I hold the phone when speaking for long hours. No problemo!
I currently see no reason to doubt the credibility of the source. He seems to be a reviewer and he has a very nice 8 part hands on with the Wave as well. Something you would not expect from someone who is dancing to Steve Jobs tunes. (Look at the typical Engadget reviewer in contrast) On a second look at the vid, It seems that the unit he has a non-retail (probably pre-production) test unit. So may be it has a few kinks that were ironed out later.
My hands are pretty big and cupping the entire phone also doesn't result in loss of signal even with me being inside office which is 4 storeys high.. as you said maybe its a pre-production unit. And if he hasn't mentioned that in the test then its probably a bad piece and they should search around the world as to how many have the problem in their SGS.
I have not noticed any signal issues with my SGS at all. It works perfectly fine whether I'm inside my office or at home (my earlier LG viewty used to have trouble with the signal inside the office but none so far with the SGS)
Just to update, after I got the phone, I checked for the issue in an area where I know the signal is weak. Could not replicate it at all.
Yeah.. it should...

Anyway, because of the Apple antenna fiasco, everyone is really edgy about signal strength.

If there was an issue with the Samsung Galaxy S , it would be all over the Interwebs right now :p