Sandisk Sansa Clip+ 2gb new

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Sandisk Sansa Clip+ 2gb Black colour

Got two of these from pristinenote, need to sell one.

Price: Rs.2,100 + shipping at actuals
nit_the_techie said:
lol so high price on ebay its just for 2350 and 10% off should make it same price as you quoted eBay India: SANDISK SANSA CLIP+ 2GB MP3 PLAYER (item 260676739677 end time 10-Nov-2010 21:15:24 IST)

but why did you get two ?
mr techie buy it off ebay

it's for 2,350 + 80 shipping on ebay less 10% would make it Rs.2,187

this would benefit those who do not have coupons

i can make up several reasons to tell you why i got two, for starters i wanted to gift one to a friend
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