Saturday & No Office = Bad for Wallet :(


Branch Manager
Staff member
Sigh. So here are some weekend purchases :(

So I wanted an improvement over my current setup in office. Decided to get an el cheapo DAC for now and here it is :p

Its the Zero DAC 09 Version. Wait!!! I dont have the USB version :mad: so how to use this DAC with my laptop??????

Ugh. So went and bought this

Hey, I'm SunnyBoi and when I buy awesome stuff one is never enough :p

But wait!!!! where am I gonna store all those lovely FLACs???

This will replace the 160GB of my office laptop :p this has to do till I can buy a laptop :(

Phew. I'm broke :(

EDIT : Added costs :p

Zero DAC 09 : 140SGD ~4.5K

m2Tech Hiface : 240SGD ~ 8K each

WD Scorpio Blue 500GB - 125SGD ~4K
Phew ! Finally some indecent stuff instead of the regular 'decent' stuff you were getting !

But seriously you spent 8.5k for just a USB interface ?

Wish you were in Mumbai, would have loved to hear all this 'decent' audio stuff !
Its one of THE BEST USB to SPDIF convertors. look it up on head-fi :p

I'll definately need it once my *real* DAC comes in :p

Burning the DAC in by connecting it to the Xtreamer and let the guys watch movies thru it :p hehe they gave a free optical cable and it sure is useful :D
Swap the opamps now! Seems like the Zero DAC does well with aftermarket opamps. Like we attempted with the MX5021. :p

BF1983 said:
Phew ! Finally some indecent stuff instead of the regular 'decent' stuff you were getting !

But seriously you spent 8.5k for just a USB interface ?

Wish you were in Mumbai, would have loved to hear all this 'decent' audio stuff !

Heh its not just a USB interface :p. Its *THE* USB interface currently. It is probably the lowest jitter anything -> coax converter you can get bar none. Pummels the Lynx TWO, kills the ECHOs and EMUs, basically there's nothing else that performs remotely close.

Plus its the only USB-> SPDIF converter that does 24/192 bitperfect natively.

Enough said :p.

PS: The second one is mine heh.