Securing a wireless connection


Hope someone can help. I have just installed a complete Belkin wireless network in our house which consists of :

ADSL modem with built in 802.11g router
Sony Wireless(in-built) Notebook

Laptop is running windows XP Pro with SP2 installed.

I have the following problem though.

Network works fine with WEP disabled, but when I enable WEP it all goes Pete Tong!

This is how I've been doing it so far, with a few variations. Access router via web page and enable WEP. Selected 64 bit WEP and have inputted the passphrase which then generates a key in HEX. Applied changes and then I loose comms with router...

Double clicked on Belkin icon in bottom right of desktop and selected advance. Removed preferred network and re-configured available network with WEP key, by doing the following:
Data encryption ticked, network key inputted in normal text with key format ASCII characters selected, key provided for me automatically de-selected, then clicked ok and apply. Still no access to router or internet. What am I doing wrong?

It must be something really simple as everyone else can do it aprt from me. I have tried inputting the network key in hex form, well, I call it hex anyway. I just copied the hex code and put it straight in without any gaps between the pairs. Is that the right way? I had changed the key format to take account of this to no avail.

I'm hoping that someone out there can show me the error of my ways so that I can have at least some form of security!

Cheers all
A 64 bit WEP key on the router? Try 128 bits. Possibly the notebook wifi card can only handle 128 bit keys. Besides, the 64 bit is worthless for security. In fact, WEP is just about worthless overall. Can't you use WPA instead?