Security Certifications Info needed

I was thinking of getting some certification in the field of IT security....i am aware of the CCNA, CISSP, CISA and the other major ones..

Can someone help me out with what all alternatives do i have, and which would be the best one to go at.....And what pre-requistes would a particular course have.....ASKING COZ I AM NOT VERY IN TOUCH WITH THE CURRENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS FIELD.... dont get time enough with office work....

I will start preparing of this post-october (busy till october with office project) .... This field had me interested when i was into IT... and i want to re-kindle it.....

Would be thankful to all for helping me.......
when it comes to security certifications cisa/cissp are among the best...for a detailed list visit Security Certification Essentials

Then there is CEH( certified ethical hacker) offered by EC-council. Its one of the fastest growing certifications besides cissp n cisa.

I guess u already know ccna is vendor specific where as cissp n cisa are vendor nutral...cissp n cisa are much wider in scope and intent..and it takes something more than just to pass the exam to get certified. I guess u are already aware of the certification requirements.

cissp is said to be the toughest of them all..can't say for sure...can only say after december 1st when i'd be taking the far i have attempted cisa n found it tough though i cleared it quite comfortably.
gr8 mate....

I would be taking the Cert Ethical Hacker test post October sometime.... A security professional from Accenture advice me to first complete CCNA and then aim for CISA or CISSP or both.

I am aware of two work ex require apart from passing the exam that one needs to use the designation.....

I already have seen them.. most of them are vendor specific... and i dont see any point in taking them at this stage...... Although would be thankful if you could help me out on which vendor specific courses are in high demand apart from CCNA and Cisco Security Professional......I am summarizing it below...

CISSP - vendor neutral - in demand
CISA - vendor neutral - in demand
CCNA - vendor specific - in demand
Cisco Firewall, VPN, IDS ,Sec Prof - vendor specific - in demand
RSA related - vendor specific - not interested
Truesecure,brainbench, ncsp, comptia, scnp & scna - i have no idea.... some help on their applicability and popularity will be useful..

Also, i have good knowledge in C and decent in C++ and Java...... Can u tell me which all languages/ scripting languages should i start studying in order to get a good hang of things.....

Also your experiences and preparation ideas would help greatly.

Regards Neo